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Nevada judge denies release of former gang leader Duane “Keffe D” Davis ahead of trial for 1996 murder of Tupac Shakur

Nevada judge denies release of former gang leader Duane “Keffe D” Davis ahead of trial for 1996 murder of Tupac Shakur


LAS VEGAS– An ailing former Los Angeles-area gang leader was denied release from a Las Vegas jail ahead of his trial for the 1996 murder of music legend Tupac Shakur, despite a celebrity's attempt of hip-hop music to take out his $750,000 bond.

A Nevada judge threw out the electronically monitored house arrest of Duane “Keffe D” Davis, 61, saying she was not satisfied with assurances that Davis and his potential benefactor – Cash “Wack 100” Jones – had no intention of reaping profits. of the sale of Davis's life story.

A Nevada law prohibits convicted murderers from profiting from their crime.

Clark County District Court Judge Carli Kierny said in her ruling Wednesday that a review of Jones' financial records also did little to allay her concerns that Jones might be a “'front' or 'middleman' for the real bond poster.”

News of the investigation into what Duane “Keffe D” Davis meant in those conversations comes shortly after a Las Vegas judge set his bail at $750,000 — far more than his attorneys had requested for him to be released on house arrest while he awaits trial.

Davis sought release because shortly after his arrest last September, he was the only person ever charged with a crime in connection with the killing, which has generated intense interest and speculation for 27 years.

Prosecutors say the Las Vegas shooting that killed Shakur was the result of a competition between East Coast members of a Bloods gang cult and West Coast groups of a Crips cult, including Davis, for dominance of a musical genre known at the time as “gangsta rap.”

Davis has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder. His trial is scheduled for Nov. 4. If convicted, he could spend the rest of his life in prison.

After a 45-minute hearing Tuesday, Kierny said she was left with more questions than answers after Davis' legal team tried to demonstrate the source of the funds.

Prosecutors argued that Davis intended to profit from telling his story about Shakur's murder and played a recording of a jailhouse phone call in which Jones describes to Davis a plan to produce “30 to 40 episodes” of a show based on his life story.

“Profiting from this crime constitutes an illegal advantage,” prosecutor Binu Palal told the judge. Palal did not respond Wednesday to an email seeking comment on the judge’s decision.

The video shows the moment Las Vegas police arrested Duane “Keefe D” Davis, the self-proclaimed gangster arrested in the shooting death of rapper Tupac Shakur.

Jones, a record label executive who has managed hip-hop artists including Johnathan “Blueface” Porter and Jayceon “The Game” Taylor, gave sworn testimony via video on Tuesday from an unspecified location in California.

He said he paid 15 percent of the bail amount, or $112,500, as a “gift” from his business accounts to secure Davis' release.

Davis' attorney, Carl Arnold, did not respond to emails or phone calls left at his office Wednesday seeking comment. A spokesman for Arnold did not immediately comment when reached by email.

The judge said in Wednesday's two-page order that she was not convinced that bail was not being paid “from profits derived from Mr. Davis' discussions about killing the victim in this case.”

While Jones testified that he bonded with Davis because Davis was battling cancer and “had been a pillar of the community,” previous interviews “suggested another motive,” Kierney wrote.

She added that Jones had indicated that there were “stipulations” on the bond and “that Mr. Davis would sign a contract regarding the rights to his life story, apparently including the filming of Mr. Shakur.” She said this was corroborated by a recorded phone call to the jail where Jones “insisted that a contract be signed before the bond premium was paid.”


Sonner reported from Reno, Nevada. Associated Press journalists Rio Yamat and Ty O'Neil in Las Vegas and Jonathan Landrum in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

Copyright 2024 by Associated Press. All rights reserved.




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