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Tahira Kashyap to Rakesh Roshan, Bollywood stars who triumphed over cancer: Inspiring stories of courage and resilience |

Tahira Kashyap to Rakesh Roshan, Bollywood stars who triumphed over cancer: Inspiring stories of courage and resilience |


Cancer is a formidable opponent, but many Bollywood stars faced this challenge with remarkable courage and resilienceTheir stories are not only inspirational, but also raise awareness about the importance of early detection and the determination needed to beat such a daunting disease. Here are some of the most notable Bollywood celebrities who have successfully battled cancer.
Sonali Bendre


A beloved 90s actress, Sonali Bendre shocked her fans when she revealed her stage 4 metastatic cancer diagnosis in 2018. Seeking treatment in New York, Sonali bravely shaved her head and openly shared her journey, wearing her scars like a warrior. Her battle with cancer was long and grueling, but in 2021, she was declared cancer-free, inspiring millions with her resilience and positivity.
Tahira Kashyap


In 2018, filmmaker Tahira Kashyap was diagnosed with breast cancerRather than hiding her illness, she chose to document her journey, hoping to inspire and support other women facing similar struggles. After completing treatment in January 2019, Tahira has since become an advocate for early detection of breast cancer. Her candid posts, including photos of her bald head and surgical scars, have empowered many to embrace their own stories without shame.
Sanjay Dutt


In 2020, Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt was diagnosed with lung cancer. After undergoing intensive treatment in Mumbai, he emerged victorious and was declared cancer free in 2021. Sanjay's unwavering determination and positive attitude throughout his treatment was truly inspirational.
Mahima Chaudhry


Mahima Chaudhry revealed in 2022 that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The diagnosis came during her annual check-up and she underwent regular chemotherapy and treatments. Thanks to her perseverance, Mahima is cancer-free and has returned to her acting career, sharing her journey to encourage others to prioritize their health.


In 2002, veteran actress Mumtaz was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 54. Despite this daunting diagnosis, Mumtaz chose to face the illness head on. His treatment included six sessions of chemotherapy and 35 radiotherapies. After beating cancer, she committed to a rigorous health regimen. Mumtaz has since become a strong advocate for breast protection. cancer survivorssharing his journey to encourage others to fight with determination and courage.
Rakesh Roshan


Earlier this year, veteran actor and director Rakesh Roshan was diagnosed with early-stage throat cancer. His son, Hrithik Roshan, announced the news publicly, highlighting their strong family bond. Rakesh’s commitment to fitness, even on the day of his surgery, highlights his indomitable spirit. He is currently recovering and continues to be a symbol of strength and resilience.

Hina Khan has been diagnosed with STAGE 3 BREAST CANCER and is determined to fight the battle; Privacy request

Kirron Kher


In 2021, veteran actress Kirron Kher was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a form of blood cancer. The news was made public by her husband, Anupam Kher, and their son, Sikandar Kher, garnering widespread support for her. Despite this rare and difficult disease, Kirron has continued her professional endeavors, displaying remarkable courage and perseverance.
Lisa Ray


Lisa Ray's battle with cancer began with a diagnosis of multiple myeloma, a rare cancer that affects the bone marrow. Lisa initially kept her condition a secret and underwent intensive therapy while pursuing her acting career. She emerged victorious and has since become a cancer awareness activist, embodying strength and determination in the face of adversity.
Manisha Koirala


In November 2012, Manisha Koirala was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She underwent treatment in the United States and documented her journey in her memoir, Healed: How Cancer Gave Me A New Life. Manisha’s story is one of hope and courage, an inspiration to countless others battling cancer.
These Bollywood stars have not only battled cancer but have also become symbols of hope and inspiration. Their stories highlight the importance of early detection, the power of a positive mindset and the unwavering human spirit in the face of life’s toughest challenges.




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