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Biden-Trump presidential debate: Panic over Biden's performance

Biden-Trump presidential debate: Panic over Biden's performance


Concerns about President Joe Biden's advanced age and cognitive abilities crystallized in the first half of the first presidential debate Thursday, sparking panic among his supporters and several prominent figures who called for his replacement on the candidate list.

Biden made numerous gaffes and stumbles early in the debate, wandering off at times and mixing up or missing words while completing his responses and retorts to his opponent. Trump sharply contrasted him, calling out Biden's perceived failures. Although he managed to pull himself together in the second half hour, the damage to Biden's campaign was evident.

Immediately after the debate, CNN reported that Biden’s inconsistency had raised alarm bells among top Democratic leaders who are now wondering what to do. The network’s chyron in the panelist’s post-debate analysis read: “Sources: Democrats say ‘we have a problem’ after Biden’s performance tonight.”

Sentiment has been surging on X, formerly known as Twitter, with some wondering whether he should continue his campaign, as the names of prominent Democrats have been floated as a replacement candidate. California Gov. Gavin Newsom is one of those names. Newsom spoke about the debate and the panic over Biden in an interview with MSNBC after the debate.

“I think it's not helpful and it's unnecessary,” Newsom said of the panic over Biden's performance. “We have to go all out. We must hold our heads high. And like I said, we need to support this president. »

Beyond the governor's feelings, panic over Biden was strong on the internet. Here are some tweets from Democrats and members of the press who were stunned or shocked by Biden's performance Thursday.

American political and business strategist Steve Schmidt wrote: “Biden will be a one-term president. He still has the chance to see a Democrat sworn in. 68 days until the DNC. Whitmer/Moore beats Trump.

“The voice, the open-mouthed stare, and the visual contrast between President Biden and former President Trump all drove the Democrats I speak with almost crazy watching this debate,” CNN anchor Kasie Hunt wrote.

Political commentator and former conservative voice on View Meghan McCain wrote: “This is the most stressful debate I have ever seen and my parent was running against Obama. #DebateNight.”

Political journalist Jacob Weisberg said that “Biden is an honest man who is clearly at the end of his career. He must withdraw from the race for the good of the country. Ideally tomorrow.

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nicholas Kristof wrote: “I wish Biden would think about this debate and then announce his decision to withdraw from the race, thereby rejecting the Democratic nominee's choice at the convention. Someone like @gretchenwhitmer or @SherrodBrown or @SecRaimondo could still step up and beat Trump.”

Tension over this weak performance was high in the air at the Aspen Ideas Festival, which “brings together the most inspired and provocative minds in one place” and attended by THE Hollywood Journalist.

Sarah Longwell, The leader of the Republicans against Trump told the festival, to cheers and boos: “I want Trump to lose more than anything, but this is a total disaster. This was a crucial night for Biden. He didn’t show up. You can’t deny what people saw with their own eyes: a man too old to be president. He was dealing with a madman, a liar and a man who is clearly unfit. But Trump is going to win unless we do something drastic. We can’t pretend we didn’t see what we just saw.”

Pundit Eddie Gauge said he was more afraid of democracy tonight than he has been in his entire life.

But pollster Celinda Lake took the opposite tactic, urging people not to lose faith and to fight Trump. “It’s winnable,” she said. “The polls are close. Most people aren’t even watching the debates.”

In a column the next day for THRpolitical strategist Eric Schultz, who served as President Obama's deputy press secretary, echoed Lake's sentiment when he told Americans not to panic.

“We are all used to debates in September and October. Very few voters will have this June debate in mind when they vote,” he wrote.

“But make no mistake: This race will be extremely close and likely down to the wire. In 2020, Joe Biden won Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin—all three states—by about 40,000 votes. This November will likely be just as close. That’s not good for my blood pressure, but it does mean that Democrats can and must find the votes they need to win.”

Speaking briefly to journalists on Friday, the Associated Press reported that Biden responded, “I think we did well” when asked about his performance, but said he had “a sore throat.” Asked about Democrats’ concerns about whether he should consider withdrawing, Biden replied, “No, it’s hard to debate a liar.” He later told supporters at a watch party near the debate venue: “Let’s keep going. See you at the next one.”

Later Friday, at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, Biden said, “I don’t debate as well as I used to.” But, he added, “I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done.”

Former President Barack Obama also weighed in on the debate. wrote on social media, “Bad debate evenings are coming. Trust me, I know. But this election remains a choice between someone who has fought his whole life for ordinary people and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and who will give it straight to the American people – and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and that’s why the stakes are so high in November.”

June 28, 7:30 a.m. This article has been updated to include Biden's comments to reporters Friday, as well as those from Eric Schultz. THR column.

June 28, 11:22 a.m. This story has been updated to include Biden's comment on the rally in Raleigh.

June 28, 11:55 a.m. This article has been updated to include Obama's social media post.




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