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Seventeen Hosts K-Pop Party on Pyramid Stage

Seventeen Hosts K-Pop Party on Pyramid Stage


ByMarc Sauvage,Music correspondent

BBC Seventeen on the Pyramid stageBBC

Only Taylor Swift sold more records worldwide than Seventeen last year

Boy band giant Seventeen made history at Glastonbury Festival, becoming the first K-pop group to play the Pyramid Main Stage.

Taking the stage Friday afternoon, the 13-piece group delivered an hour of precision choreography and catchy pop melodies to an audience of die-hard fans and curious onlookers.

“We are extremely honored to be here,” they said.

“Even though the language, country and culture are all different, we can still connect as one, through music.”

Seventeen on the Pyramid Stage

The band, which typically plays three-hour Taylor Swift shows, delivered a compact and energetic 60-minute set.

Seventeen were the world's best-selling band last year, selling more than 10 million albums, but they only had their first Top 40 single in the UK last month. last.

Aware of this, they put together a setlist focused on their most immediate and accessible songs.

They opened with their big hit, Maestro, which blended honeyed vocals and fast-paced rapping with choppy piano riffs and unexpected rhythm changes.

It's one of their most ambitious tracks – but it's the songs with guitar riffs and singable English lyrics that have been most successful – among them the rap-heavy Lalali, the rocking 2 Minus 1 and the sinagalong anthem Hot.

“Have you ever heard of Seventeen?” » asked the leader of the group S Coups at one point. “There are so many members, aren't there?” »

The clever staging allowed the 13 members to shine. The group is divided into smaller “sub-units” based on their rapping, singing and dancing prowess, each getting a solo.

Seungkwan and group leader S Coups were the most exuberant, teasing the crowd during and between songs, while Woozi's airy vocals were juxtaposed with Vernon and Joshua's more soulful tones.

Fans watch Seventeen at Glastonbury

The audience continued to grow throughout the band's hour-long set

Still, the Glastonbury audience seemed skeptical at first.

The field in front of the Pyramid Stage had emptied after packed sets from Squeeze and Olivia Dean earlier in the day, and there were large expanses of empty space as Seventeen launched into their first song, Maestro.

But within an hour, any doubts were dispelled as the band worked hard to have the audience rushing backstage and down into the crowd to drum up enthusiasm.

It culminated in the brilliantly silly disco-dance anthem Very Nice which featured half a dozen false endings, the energy increasing every time the band launched into another chorus.

The concert was a sign of K-pop's growing dominance in the charts. Four of the world's top 10 best-selling groups last year were from South Korea, with Seventeen joined by Stray Kids, TomorrowxTomorrow and NewJeans.

In fact, Glastonbury is relatively late to the party. Boy band BTS performed two shows at Wembley Stadium in 2019, while girl group Blackpink headlined Coachella and London's BST festival last year.

Seeing a K-pop band on the Pyramid stage was “so unexpected but really, really brilliant,” said Australian fan Milia, who came with a personalized football t-shirt bearing the name of Seventeen heartthrob Hoshi .

“These bands tour all over the world and it's really amazing to see Glastonbury showcasing them. You can tell by the crowd, there are a lot of people here, whether they're fans or just looking for something different .We should see more.”


The band used every inch of the Pyramid stage

“K-Pop coming to the UK is the way forward,” agreed Ami, who was in the front row with her daughter Molly.

“I've worked at Glastonbury for 22 years, we have a Thai food stall and I've never been near the Pyramid Stage,” she added. “It’s our first time and I loved it.

“They're so beautiful, aren't they? They're so fit!”

“Did you notice one of the members came down and applauded the audience?” said Qi, a London-based fan. “It was Seungkwan, that’s our bias.

“It's not like they were nervous or trying to act right. They were so relaxed, energetic and confident, as always. That's why we love them.”

The group certainly seemed relaxed, despite the importance of the moment, occasionally breaking out of their precision choreography to interact with fans and throw heart signs in the air.

“Thank you so much for inviting us,” Joshua said. “There are seventeen of us. Remember that.”

Their fans will never forget.

List of songs


The group will be followed on stage by PJ Harvey, LCD Soundsystem and Dua Lipa.

  1. Maestro
  2. Ready to love
  3. SOS
  4. I am with you
  5. 2 minus 1 (Joshua and Vernon)
  6. I don't understand but I love you (Performance Unit)
  7. Bravo to the youth
  8. This will increase
  9. Type
  10. Hot
  11. Headlining
  12. God of Music
  13. Very pleasant
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