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'Out With the Stars' exhibit showcases Hollywood celebrity restaurants

'Out With the Stars' exhibit showcases Hollywood celebrity restaurants


The garden of Allah. The coconut grove. The Brown Derby and the Luau. These were the most popular places to see and be seen during the Golden Age of Hollywood, from the 1930s to the 1960s. Anyone who has dined at these glamorous places or wishes to have dreams will be delighted to see the Out With the Stars exhibition, which opens Saturday at the Hollywood Heritage Museum. The exhibition features these and many more 20th-century Michelin-starred restaurants in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York, with a special room dedicated to the Hollywood Canteen of World War II.

Most of those atmospheric venues are long gone, save for a few mainstays like Musso and Frank, Tam O’Shanter and the Smokehouse. But before social media and TMZ, getting on stage at one of Hollywood’s swanky nightclubs was the best way to boost your career, says entertainment executive Darin Barnes, who helped organize the exhibit. A promising starlet might mingle with studio executives and get photographed for the morning and evening news while dining on stuffed squab at Sardi’s or sipping a zombie at Don the Beachcomber.

Angie Schneider, director of the museum housed in the historic Lasky-DeMille barn across from the Hollywood Bowl, is working to bolster its programming with exhibits featuring rare items from entertainment collectors, such as the recent MGM 100th anniversary showcase.

One room in the Out With the Stars exhibit is devoted to an extensive collection from the Hollywood Canteen, the integrated club that hosted servicemen en route to or from their military missions. Stars like Bob Hope, Bette Davis and John Garfield are just a few of the 3,000 famous volunteers who helped boost troop morale during World War II. The exhibit includes autographed postcards as well as artifacts, photos and treasures from the 1944 film “Hollywood Canteen.”

WC Fields, center, at the Pirates' Den with Rudy Vallée.
Courtesy of Hollywood Heritage Museum

One of the highlights are the menus and ephemera with colorful art deco graphics from historic restaurants including Clara Bow's It Café, Thelma Todd's Sidewalk Cafe, Sardi's, Ciro's, Perino's and Pig n' Whistle. An exhibition is dedicated to Don Dickerman's Pirate Lair – a 1940s-themed party with celebrity partners including Gary Cooper, Bing Crosby, Erroll Flynn, Rudy Vallee, Fred MacMurray and Hope. Rare photos show the unusual venue where mock fights were staged while female patrons were abducted and held in the cell to see who could scream the loudest – completely inappropriate by today's standards.

Other exhibits feature table settings, address books and menus from celebrity receptions, a magnificent cape and memorabilia from “exotic” singer Yma Sumac, a tiki bar display and a section on curators of studio. The original El Cholo neon sign and the Brown Derby's Vine Street Coffee Shop sign are on display, but not the familiar derby-shaped sign itself, which was too tall to fit inside from the museum doors, Barnes explains.

The exhibition opens on Saturday with a party featuring vintage music, and will continue through Labor Day.

(Photo above: Cesar Romero dines with friends at the Brown Derby.)

Ciro's nightclub on the Sunset Strip later became the Comedy Store.
Courtesy of Hollywood Heritage Museum




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