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Hulu, 'The Bear' Season 3: Chicago Restaurants Featured in FX TV Series Include Roeser's Bakery, Ever Restaurant, Pequod's Pizza

Hulu, 'The Bear' Season 3: Chicago Restaurants Featured in FX TV Series Include Roeser's Bakery, Ever Restaurant, Pequod's Pizza


CHICAGO– The third season of the acclaimed Chicago-based series, “The Bear,” premieres Wednesday on Hulu.

There are 10 episodes in the third season of the Emmy Award-winning series, and once again, real Chicago restaurants feature heavily in the series.

ABC7's Val Warner took a closer look at some of the local spots featured in the first two seasons of “The Bear.”

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Chicago restaurants are at the heart of the first two seasons of “The Bear,” with 26 local establishments featured in the FX series.

From Roeser's Bakery to Pequod's Pizza to Michelin-starred restaurant Ever, the city's best restaurants have key moments on the schedule.

Roeser's, located at 3216 W. North Ave., is Chicago's oldest family-owned bakery, and it was featured in a memorable first-season episode where “The Beef” employee Marcus visits the bakery and dreams of becoming a pastry chef.

Not all kitchens work this way, but they hit the mark…they also do an incredible job of showcasing Chicago.

Curtis Duffy, co-owner and chef of Ever

“I was contacted probably about a month before filming,” said John Roeser, owner of Roeser's Bakery. “They got here at 4 a.m., they didn't disrupt business at all. They had a bunch of special donuts that they wanted me to make to display and display in the window…I I noticed an increase in business. Not so much more, maybe. But at first, when the episode came out.

One of the most famous episodes of “The Bear” is “Forks” in season 2. In this episode, “The Bear's” manager, “Richie”, is sent to work at a three-star Michelin restaurant modeled after Fulton Market's critically acclaimed restaurant, “Ever,” located at 1340 W. Fulton St.

Ever co-owner and chef Curtis Duffy was a key advisor on the episode.

“We were put on the front burner. The food, of course, was Ever’s, the presentation of the food,” Duffy said. “That was all done by myself and the crew. They got those scenes from us, imitating us, because the amount of detail that we put into everything every day, from the moment we get here to the moment we leave, is… very true to what the story is about. It’s really about the details, because all those details add up to the big picture of what we do in the restaurant every day.”

Pequod's Pizza, located at 2207 W. Clybourn Ave., also makes an appearance in “Forks.” Their famous deep-dish pizza is recreated as a gourmet dish at the Michelin-starred restaurant.

“It was a gourmet Pequod. I mean, it's awesome,” said Pequod general manager Sean Asbra. “It got out there, people got to see it and they…everyone wanted to try it. But as more and more people started traveling for spring break and all that, we noticed. .. 'Oh, I came here because of 'The Bear.'”

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Management at all three restaurants said the scenes from “The Bear” in the kitchen are accurate, if sometimes exaggerated.

“Okay, maybe it doesn’t represent who we are on a day-to-day basis, with the intensity and the craziness that goes on behind the scenes, because not every kitchen operates like that, but it achieves its purpose and it’s widespread,” Duffy said. “I’ve been in kitchens like that. I choose to operate completely differently, but in terms of how they get a bird’s eye view of our industry, absolutely. And they also do an incredible job of showcasing Chicago. You look at that and you live in the city, it makes you proud to be here.”

The third season of “The Bear” begins streaming on Hulu at 8 p.m. CST Wednesday.

ABC7 will dedicate a special episode of “Windy City Weekend” to “The Bear.” It will air at 11:30 a.m. Friday.

Disney is the parent company of Hulu and this news channel.

Copyright 2024 WLS-TV. All rights reserved.




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