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Dean Devlin, Comics Beat Team for Daily News Show

Dean Devlin, Comics Beat Team for Daily News Show


This year's San Diego Comic-Con is being spotlighted through a journalistic lens via the award-winning Comics Beat website and OTT app and FAST channel ElectricNOW.

The comic book news site, run by longtime journalist Heidi MacDonald, has partnered with the media company division started by Dean Devlin to produce Con Daily Powered by ComicsBeat on ElectricNOW. It is a daily news show designed to give viewers access to the top talent attending Comic-Con and insight into daily events.

Comic-Con is North America's largest annual pop culture festival, attracting more than 135,000 attendees and the focused attention of Hollywood, with studios and streamers spending millions to promote their films and shows.

Devlin, who made his name with big-budget spectacle films before becoming executive producer of recent adventure shows such as The Ark And The Librarianssaid one goal was to bring the show to those who couldn't attend.

“I remember going to the first Comic-Cons to promote my films such as Independence Day and Stargate, “Long before the convention became the mainstream sensation it is today,” Devlin said in a statement. “I always felt the special sense of community that the convention brought to fans of fantasy and science fiction. Now, by collaborating with the award-winning website ComicsBeat, I can offer viewers who can't make it to the event an up-close and behind-the-scenes experience. »

Daily Con It will consist of four special episodes that will premiere after each day of Comic-Con, hosted by prominent online personalities Yael Tygiel, known for her post-show podcasts, comedy content creator Reagan Yorke, video game industry voice Celia Schilling and geek culture journalist Kari Lane.

Each episode will stream exclusively on Roku and ElectricNOW, with daily updates on YouTube as well.

The show will feature one-on-one interviews with celebrities, actors and pop culture influencers. Each episode will end with a no-holds-barred panel with With Daily correspondents report on the latest news from the show and the news of the day.

The show will be produced by ElectricNOW's Lucas Thompson and directed by Patrick Meaney, known for documentaries such as Grant Morrison: Talking with the Gods, Neil Gaiman: Dreaming Dangerously, Chris Claremont's X-Men And The revolution of images.




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