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Jenni Rivera gets posthumous star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Jenni Rivera gets posthumous star on Hollywood Walk of Fame


The late Mexican regional singer Jenny Rivera became the recipient of the 2,783rd star on the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday, as her five children accepted the honor on their mother's behalf.

“It’s a true honor to be the daughter of such an incredible woman, a woman who has accomplished so much,” Janney Marin Rivera, better known as Chiquis, said during the ceremony. But more than anything, being the daughter of a woman who left her mark on this earth and in the hearts of so many people.

Chiquis, along with her siblings Johnny Lopez, Jacqie Rivera, Jenicka Lopez and Michael Rivera, were joined by Mexican singer Gloria Trevi, who became friends with Jenni Rivera before she died in a plane crash in December 2012.

Today is a very special day. Today we honor and celebrate the beautiful life and art of a brilliant and distinguished woman, Trevi said. Today, love and talent beat death, because Jenni Rivera, the Diva de la Banda, la Mariposa de Barrio, la hija, la hermana, la mujer, la amiga, la madre, lives through all those of us who love and admire him.

The Rivera family, seven men and women, at the unveiling of Jenni Rivera's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

The Rivera family celebrates Jenni Rivera's posthumous star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

(Carlin Stiehl / For De Los)

The star is sitting outside Capitol Records at 1750 Vine St., not far from Tejano legend star Selena Quintanillas. About 250 fans lined the sidewalk at the corner of Yucca and Vine streets before security allowed them into the event. It won't be long before that number doubles, with fans flocking to the sidewalk to hear live banda bass riffs and emotional statements from friends and family.

One of my mother's favorite exes worked in this neighborhood. We would come to see him and she always dreamed that I remember sitting in the car, in her Mercedes, and she always dreamed, I will have my star here one day, said an emotional Jenicka Lopez. I thought it was impossible after he passed away, but God has a beautiful way of proving people wrong.

Despite the heat and lack of shade, Riveras' loyal supporters bore the scorching sun with grace, paying tribute to the self-proclaimed Diva de la Banda. It didn't matter that sweat was dripping from their foreheads. Many used fans to cool themselves as cheers for Jenni rose from the crowd.

Rivera may have passed away more than a decade ago, but her message of empowerment to her fans, especially her female followers, continues to be celebrated. Fans are paying tribute to the singer known for her brassy, ​​sassy and bold character who sang big, sweeping songs about love, heartbreak and the challenges women face, themes that are still very relevant today, which endure in songs such as Inolvidable, La Gran Seora and Ovarios. .

Flowers at the corner of Jenni Rivera's posthumous star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has honored the late Jenni Rivera with a posthumous star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

(Carlin Stiehl / For De Los)

Rivera was a Latina with a big influence. Castaeda says that’s why she traveled from Beloit, Wisconsin, briefly stopping in Lodi, California, to greet her sister before embarking on a five-hour road trip to attend the ceremony.

I was like, Oh, she [being honored]I have to book my flight, I have to be there, Castaeda says, turning his head to look for a street vendor selling T-shirts. I'm excited but sad. I couldn't see her in concert because I was still young, but at least I could still be a part of it. It makes me proud.

Castaeda said there wasn't a single family celebration without Rivera's music. She says No Llega el Olvido, an emotional ballad about a lover who has not forgotten his love, is her favorite song.

Meliza Ramos and her 13-year-old daughter also traveled from out of state to attend the ceremony, driving eight hours from Tucson, Arizona. Ramos says Rivera's influence extends far beyond the lyrics, attributing part of the singer's success to her ability to be open and vulnerable with fans.

Chiquis Rivera speaks at a podium labeled Hollywood Walk of Fame

Chiquis Rivera speaks at the unveiling of his late mother's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

(Carlin Stiehl / For De Los)

I can relate to her. I mean, we grew up here in Los Angeles, Ramos said. I had the same difficulties, the same family structure. So I think it's completely understandable to see someone who comes from the same background and place as me succeed. Usually when artists come out, they don't tell you a lot about their past, and when you expose the good, the bad and the ugly of your life, people can relate to it a little.

Super fan Victoria Barakat stood out in her wide-brimmed sun hat, Jenni Rivera t-shirt and tattoos, and a dazzling framed photo of her idol, which she held at the -over his head for most of the event. Barakat said she has followed Rivera since 1993 and has seen her in concert more than 20 times. She was even invited to meet Rivera backstage.

“It’s amazing to be able to represent her and I love it,” Barakat said. “Even though she’s not here anymore, it’s like she’s here.” I feel it here. »

Barakat recalls that she was on her way to a regular ultrasound technology class when news of Rivera's death broke.

“I was on Highway 10 when I heard on the radio that Jenni Rivera’s plane had crashed and my heart stopped,” Barakat said. “Once I found out she was dead, I couldn’t listen to her music for over six months because every time I did, I would cry.”

As the event ended, fans lingered on the closed part of Vine Street before being evacuated by police and event staff. Fans like Veronica Nakaya left with even more Jenni Rivera memories than she brought with her.

I'm addicted to work. This time I was like, 'No, I'm taking the day off,'” the mother of four said. Jenni represents me as a Latina woman, as a single mother, as a regular woman. Even though she's in heaven, look at all the people who [came out to support her].




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