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The challenge is to represent the villains of the story with authenticity.


Colombian actor Juan Pablo Raba stars as Gilberto 'La Cobra' Henao in Amazon's premium series MGM Studios Hotel Cocainewhich recently debuted on MGM+ USA (Sunday the 16th). The series, which will soon be distributed in the region, features Raba's character in the role of a troublemaker who shakes things up. “The Cobra enters the story to break the status quo, or at least complicate things for Romn Compte (Danny Pino), the protagonist of the series.

Raba explains that he accepted the role for two reasons. First, his friendship with Chris Brancato, the showrunner and screenwriter, with whom he already collaborated on Narcos. Then, the scenario itself. “It’s a deep, raw, realistic subject,” says Raba, “and that’s what excites me. We need these kinds of stories too. »


He explained that the challenge of characters like Gilberto “La Cobra” Henao, the story’s antagonists, is making them feel real. “It’s easy to fall into a cliché or play them as the expected villains,” he said. “But the real challenge for an actor is to make them a real person, a human being with fears, complexities and dreams. We have to create something that serves the story and feels believable.”

Juan Pablo Raba plays the role of Gilberto

Juan Pablo Raba stars as Gilberto “La Cobra” Henao in Hotel Cocaine


Raba's involvement in Keko's Colombian Project 13, produced by Colombian public broadcaster, was born from an invitation from his friends, including Cristian Tappan. “I’m attracted to good stories, regardless of the platform,” he explains. “This is a story that really deserves to be told. I was hired to act and produce. We filmed it six months ago and it’s currently in post-production.”

Raba highlighted the importance of Colombia's current situation. “It’s a fantastic time for Colombia, especially with the influx of international productions,” he said. “Over the past decade, we have seen a steady flow of foreign visitors. There was even a time when “Hotel Cocaine” considered filming in Colombia, but ultimately the Dominican Republic turned out to be a better location for filming. All this shows that Colombia has become a major player in the global audiovisual market, and not just in Latin America. »

Following Cocaine Hotel, Raba has embarked on a horror film with his friend, Venezuelan-American director Diego Velasco. Called The Whistler, the film stars Diane Guerrero and has an all-Colombian crew behind the scenes. “It was a really exciting project,” he enthused.


For Raba, the magic lies in the team.Cocaine Hotel “It was particularly special in that regard,” he shared. “Working with Danny (Pino) ​​and Michael (Chiklis) again, alongside such a fantastic group of people, is hard to beat. It was one of those rare projects where everyone brought such positive energy to the set. We all shared a passion for the story, and the location of Juan Dolio in the Dominican Republic was simply stunning. From the incredible crew to the talented filmmakers, it was a truly enjoyable experience in every way.”

Raba concluded by calling Hotel Cocaine “A high-end show with high-end production value.” He explained: “It's visually stunning, with a sexy aesthetic and powerful performance. The whole experience is truly exceptional. For Latin American audiences, it offers a completely new and unique perspective on a familiar story.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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