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Clint Eastwoods Family Guide: Meet the 8 Kids Cast

Clint Eastwoods Family Guide: Meet the 8 Kids Cast


Clint Eastwood's Family Guide Meet the Actor's 8 Children
Eric Charbonneau/Getty Images for Warner Bros.

Far from the big screen, Clint Eastwood is a true family man.

While the legendary actor has enjoyed huge success as an actor and director for projects like Greater Turin And Million Dollar BabyHis biggest role is being a father to his eight children.

“I'm a much better father now than when I was younger because back then I was working all over the world and I was desperate to find the brass ring, so I worked constantly,” he said. Eastwood previously told Toronto Star in 2018. “I go to every softball game and I look ridiculous because almost everyone has a dad who is much younger than me. But it’s fun. I think you appreciate everything a lot more when you get to my age.”

Softball games, however, may be a thing of the past. As his children continue to reach new milestones in their personal and professional lives as adults, Eastwood finds himself experiencing marriages and earning new titles like “grandparent.”

Clint Eastwood Through the Years

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Clint Eastwood has come a long way in his career, having almost left the entertainment industry to become an Oscar-winning director and actor. Eastwood was drafted into the United States Army in 1950 and discharged in 1953. He was stationed at Fort Ord in California and nearly lost his life when the Douglas AD bomber plane crashed. […]

Keep scrolling for a complete guide to the Eastwood family:

Laurie Murray

The oldest Eastwood was born in 1954. According to the Daily Mail, the actor was unaware of Laurie's birth and she was placed for adoption by her mother shortly after her arrival. However, in a story straight from a movie script, Laurie then contacted the Oscar winner and the two established a close relationship.

In 2004, she joined her father at the Oscars. Laurie also celebrated the premiere of Eastwood's film The mule with his siblings in 2018.

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Kimber Lynn Eastwood

Clint Eastwood's Family Guide Meet the Actor's 8 Kids
Eric Charbonneau/Getty Images for Warner Bros.

In 1964, Clint and Blue city actress Roxanne Tunis welcomed a daughter in Los Angeles. Kimber briefly pursued her acting career and appeared in films such as Crimes of passion And Crossed. “Yes, Clint Eastwood is my father,” she told the Sunday mirror in 1989. “I have to tell him about it. I'm partly shocked and partly happy that it's all out in the open.

Today, she works behind the scenes as a Hollywood makeup artist and independent film producer. Kimber has an adult son, Clinton, who is named after his grandfather.

Kyle Eastwood

The Clint Eastwood Family Guide Meet the Actor's 8 Children
Stéphane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images

Clint and his first wife, Maggie Johnsonwelcomed Kyle in 1968. While briefly studying film at the University of Southern California and acting in a few of his father's films, Kyle eventually chose to pursue a career in music. According to his Instagramthe musician works as a jazz bassist and film score composer.

When asked what his father thinks of his career, Kyle said he is a big supporter. “I think he appreciates my music,” he said. said the The Belfast Telegraph in 2014. “We wrote a few songs together and whenever we're in the same part of the world, he tries to come see the band when he can. He's happy that I discovered music and devoted myself to it. »

Alison Eastwood

Clint Eastwood's Family Guide Meet the Actor's 8 Children
Amanda Edwards/Getty Images

Clint and Johnson's second child was born in 1972. Although she found success as a child actress before landing a starring role in Midnight in the Garden of Good and EvilAlison announced her retirement from acting in 2014.

“He’s not a man of many words,” Alison told the New York Daily News in 2007, when she spoke about her father's mentorship. “He’s not talkative. Instead of telling me anything, he let me be a fly on the wall and observe him on another level. It was his way of being helpful, showing me how he worked. »

While Alison has also been able to direct projects including the 2007 film Rails and fastenersHis main passion today is working with the Eastwood Ranch FoundationThe nonprofit aims to help reduce pet overpopulation and increase pet adoptions.

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Scott Eastwood

Clint Eastwood's Family Guide Meet the Actor's 8 Children
Phillip Faraone/FilmMagic

Clint and Flight Attendant Jacelyn Reeves welcomed their first child together in 1986. Scott quickly followed in his father's footsteps, directing and starring in a variety of box office hits, including The longest journey, The Fate of the Furious, Pacific Rim And Suicide squad.

“I came [to Hollywood] to try to do something, and nobody took me seriously,” Scott said Men's health in 2017. “Everyone pushed me away like, 'You're Clint Eastwood's son, you're not a real fucking actor.' Some people are still like that. I never thought I could last in this business, but it seems to be finally working out.”

Scott also found himself the center of tabloid attention while dating public figures. It has been linked to A tree hill alum Jana Kramer, Nina Dobrev and model Brittany Brousseau.

“My dad taught me not to overthink things, that nothing will ever be perfect, that you just have to keep moving forward and do your best,” he said. Town and country in 2014. “My mother taught me to be honest, to be selfless and to touch people in a positive way. »

Kathryn Eastwood

Clint Eastwood's Family Guide Meet the Actor's 8 Kids
Eric Charbonneau/Getty Images for Warner Bros.

Clint and Keanu Reeves' second child was born in 1988. One of her first experiences in the spotlight was when she was named Miss Golden Globe in 2005 and presented awards to the winners. This role is usually given to the teenage children of famous actors.

Although Kathryn has appeared in numerous films, including the 2014 version of Boys jerseyshe focused on writing and found success with the zombie horror anthology. The virus of the dead.

Francesca Eastwood

Clint Eastwood's Family Guide Meet the Actor's 8 Children
Amy Sussman/Getty Images

Clint and actress Frances Fisher welcomed their first child in 1993. Francesca explored the world of reality television when she joined E! Mrs. Eastwood & Company in 2012. The show followed his home life with his extended family, including his sister Morgan Eastwood.

The actress – who was Miss Golden Globe in 2013 – found her love life the subject of the tabloids when she got married. Jonas HillMaroon 5's late brother and manager Jordan Feldstein in 2013. Their union was, however, annulled a week later. Francesca also dated a personal trainer Alexander Wraithand they welcomed a son in 2018.

Morgane Eastwood

Clint Eastwood's Family Guide Meet the Actor's 8 Children
Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic

Clint and his ex-wife Dina Ruiz welcomed their first child together in 1996. As a teenager, Morgan was a main cast member on the E! Mrs. Eastwood & Company with his mother and sister Francesca.

Recently, Morgan took a big step in her personal life when she got married. Tanner Koopmans in June 2024. More than 130 guests, including Clint and the bride's seven siblings, were on hand to witness the bride and groom's wedding. “Our perfect day,” Morgan, who is expecting her first baby, wrote via Instagram with family photos from his ceremony.




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