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The actor and comedian of “Roseanne” and “Clue” was 80 years old

The actor and comedian of “Roseanne” and “Clue” was 80 years old


Martin Mull, who played Colonel Mustard in HintLeon Carp, Roseanne's boss, in ABC comedy Roseanne and starred in the Norman Lear television series Fernwood 2 nightsdied Thursday at his home. He was 80 years old.

The news was revealed by her daughter Maggie Mull, executive producer of The Griffins.

“I am heartbroken to share that my father passed away at home on June 27th after a courageous battle with a long illness. He was known for excelling in every creative discipline imaginable and also for making commercials for Red Roof Inn. He thought that joke was funny. He never failed to laugh. My father will be deeply missed by his wife and daughter, his friends and colleagues, his fellow artists, comedians and musicians, and – a sign of a truly exceptional person – many, many dogs. I loved him very much,” she wrote.

Mull broke into comedy with his role in the soap opera parody of Lear Marie Hartman, Marie Hartman and its fallout Fernwood 2 nights after being a country songwriter and musical actor.

Mull starred in Marie Hartman, Marie Hartman like Garth Gimble, the husband of Louise Lasser's main character before Hartman grew tired of his spouse and stabbed him to death with a Christmas ornament.

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“So he left the show,” director Louis J. Horvitz told the TV Academy Foundation in 2008. “Norman [Lear] decided that Martin was so good that he wanted to give him another series. So Garth became Barth, his twin brother, and he was now going to do a parody of the local talk show. And because our studio was on Fernwood Avenue in Hollywood, Norman called it Fernwood 2 nights.”

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Apparently a late-night talk show hosted by the residents of Mary's small hometown in Ohio, Fernwood 2 nights launched in July 1977 as a summer replacement for Marie Hartman, Marie Hartman and became one of the hottest shows of the year. Mull starred as the self-centered, fake-smiling host Gimble, joined by his sidekick Jerry Hubbard (Fred Willard) and a cast of characters that included Happy Kyne (Frank DeVol), who was consistently and hilariously portrayed as the most dour person on the planet. There was also the pianist who took to the stage in an iron lung and the local government official who was a chinodon patient and wore a ridiculous headgear to fix his lower jaw. Dabney Coleman played the town's mayor, Merle Jeeter, who always put himself forward on the show, which was renamed America 2Nite for season 2.

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Mull continued to play roles in Taxi And Daddy's Girls before playing Roseannein which he had a recurring role from seasons 3 to 9 as Leon Carp, who was first Roseanne's (Roseanne Barr) boss at the diner and later her business partner at the Lanford Lunchbox. He was a regular on the short-lived 2013 Fox sitcom Dadsplaying the father of star Seth Green's character. He also starred in the 2018-19 Fox sitcom The cool kidsopposite David Alan Grier, Leslie Jordan and Vicki Lawrence.


One of his most recognizable roles was as an education administrator with the World Bank. Sabrina the Teenage Witch, with Melissa Joan Hart. Mull played Willard Kraft, the mean-spirited and sometimes tyrannical vice president and later principal of Westbridge High, in more than 70 episodes of the popular sitcom from 1977 to 2000 in seasons 2 through 4.

Mull's dozens of television credits also include the recurring role of bumbling detective Gene Parmesan on Development Arrested and a guest stars as Bob “The Eagle” Bradley in Vice-president for which he earned an Emmy nomination for Best Guest Actor.

In cinema, in addition to playing alongside Tim Curry in the 1985s Hinthe starred in the 1980 Paramount film Serial as well as the roles in Mr. Mom And Mrs. Doubtfire.

His last role was in Apple TV+ The after party.

Mull also had a voice acting career, lending his voice to television shows including American Dad!, Danny Phantom, the leader of the team And family dog and in the 2005 feature film Desperate images. He has also guest starred in voice roles on episodes of The Simpsons, Family Guy, Bob's Burgers, Dexter's Laboratory, The Thornberry Family and others.

Mull also released a number of stand-up and musical comedy albums during his career, including two in 1977. I am everyone I have ever loved and the following year, Sex & Violins – shook the Billboard 200 chart. They also included a compilation disc titledNo hits, four mistakes: the best of Martin Mull And Your living room, which spawned the single “Dueling Tubas.” This parody of the instrumental hit “Dueling Banjos” by Deliverance cracked the Billboard Hot 100 for a few weeks in 1973.

Erik Pedersen contributed to this report.




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