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Blue suede shoes belonging to Elvis Presley sold for 120,000 at auction


BySammy Jenkins and PA Media,BBC News, Wiltshire

PA Media Elvis' blue suede shoes with laces and a brown leather insoleAverage PA

The shoes had been checked by a close friend of Presley and a leading authority on the singer.

Blue suede shoes worn by Elvis Presley sold for 120,000 at auction.

The singer, known as the King of Rock and Roll, wore the pair on and off stage in the 1950s, including an appearance on the Steve Allen TV show.

They were sold by auctioneers Henry Aldridge & Son in Devizes, at a hammer price of 95,000, rising to 120,000 including costs and VAT.

Auctioneer Andrew Aldridge said: “They are as iconic as they come. »

Getty Images Elvis Presley sings on stage. He wears a white sparkly suit and plays a black acoustic guitar.Getty Images

The shoes were given to Presley's friend Alan Fortas after the singer was drafted into the U.S. Army.

“Blue suede shoes, a hound dog, these are things that immediately come to mind when you think of Elvis Presley, they almost transcend popular culture,” Aldridge added.

They [the shoes] are just one exceptional piece of show business, music and popular culture memorabilia.

The shoes, size 10.5, were given to Alan Portas, a friend of Elvis, after the singer was drafted into the US Army.

Mr Aldridge said: When Elvis was called up to the US Army he met at Graceland.

He called some of the guests upstairs and gave away some of the clothes he thought he wouldn't need or want when he returned from the army.

PA Media Blue suede shoes on a pink velvet sheetAverage AP

The shoes were auctioned off on Friday

The legendary singer purchased the shoes, which have been displayed in various museums over the years, after performing Carl Perkins' Blue Suede Shoes on his debut album, Elvis Presley.

Mr Aldridge said the shoes had been checked by Jimmy Velvet, a close friend of Presley and a leading authority on the singer.

Last year, the auction house sold a mink coat belonging to the singer for 128,000 to an American collector.

A two-piece suit worn by Freddie Mercury of Queen's was also sold at auction Friday, for $47,000.

The suit, along with a pair of Church's black velvet “Crown” loafers, was worn during the “I'm Going Slightly Mad” music video, months before the Queen frontman's death in 1991.




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