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Ryan Coogler Mattson Tomlin Team for A Vicious Circle at Universal

Ryan Coogler Mattson Tomlin Team for A Vicious Circle at Universal


Universal Pictures has obtained the rights to A vicious circle, a Boom! Studios graphic novel series created by Terminator Zero showrunner Mattson Tomlin and artist Lee Bermejo.

Tomlin will write the screenplay adapting his own work while Ryan Coogler, the filmmaker behind the Black Panther films, will be produced via its Proximity Media banner.

Proximity's Sev Ohanian and Zinzi Coogler, as well as Boom! President of Development Stephen Christy, also serve as producers.

Circle is a two-person action thriller about assassins from the future chasing each other through time. “John Wick meets Curler“That’s how it’s described.

The comic has been a commercial success for the publisher, with over 100,000 copies of the first two issues sold worldwide to date and the book translated into multiple languages. The series' first issue, released in a prestigious, oversized format in late 2022, was nominated for two Eisner Awards, including Best Single Issue/One Shot and Best Painter/Multimedia Artist for Bermejo. For the comic, the artist, known for his DC work centered on Lex Luthor, Joker, and Batman, altered his all-painted art style to accommodate genres and time periods, with the characters moving from one era to another.

Rebecca Cho will executive produce and oversee the project for Proximity, alongside the company’s Zetra Evans. Boom!’s Adam Yoelin will executive produce, while Mette Norkjaer will co-produce.

Ryan Jones, Universal's senior vice president of production development, will oversee the project for the studio.

Tomlin, who wrote the original live-action film Project power for Netflix, is already in the Boom! cinema affairs while he writes the screenplay for BRZRKRthe adaptation of the comic book by the company co-created by Keanu Reeves and set up at Netflix.

He is preparing for the August 29 debut. Terminator Zero on Netflix and co-written Batman Part 2 with director Matt Reeves. Additionally, Tomlin, represented by CAA, Brillstein Entertainment Partners and Goodman Genow, is attached to write the script for HBO The iron Throne spin off Aegon's Conquest.

Coogler is currently in production on his untitled supernatural thriller starring Michael B. Jordan for Warner Bros. Proximity is in post-production on Marvel's. Stone heart mini-series. Proximity also produced the documentary Classroom with Hulu, co-produced Stephen Curry: Underrated with Apple Original Films, A24 and Unanimous Media, as well as Anthemwith Onyx Collective.

Boom! is currently in production on a live-action series adaptation of the spy thriller Butterfly for Amazon MGM Studios and the animated series Hex Veterans and Magical Animals for Nickelodeon.

A vicious circle

Courtesy of Boom! Workshops




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