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The straight-out-of-Hollywood moment for Georgias latest engagement

The straight-out-of-Hollywood moment for Georgias latest engagement


This Sentells Intel representative on Recruitment of football players in Georgia 3-star WR Landon Roldan from North Oconee High School is the latest. He is ranked as the nation's No. 97 WR and No. 635 overall prospect for 2025 according to the 247Sports Composite. The On3 Industry rankings rank him as the 100th WR and 684th overall.

Landon Roldan committed to Georgia football just a day ago. That’s what their prospect profile page will say. The reality is he's been committed to the Bulldogs for much longer than that.

The DawgNation engagement story has all the bells and whistles.

  • His flagship junior film
  • His prospect rankings and who the Dawgs beat for his commitment
  • His impressive 2023 stats
  • Head Coach Evaluation Quotes
  • A look at her makeup that seeks to avoid the spotlight

But there was one moment in his recruitment that seemed ripped from a Disney script. A good one too. Not those who extended the Star Wars saga.

That's when he and his uncle discussed the offer he eventually received from James Coley, Kirby Smart and the Dawgs.

His head coach at North Oconee was also in attendance. This is because Tyler Aurandt is also his mother's brother.

It was a moment that should resonate with DawgNation.

It was more than an offer he wanted. It was the one he had always wanted.

“It was a dream come true,” Aurandt said. When we sat down the other day, he said, “It's always been a dream and when you think back, we have all these pictures of him when he was little and he wore Georgia jerseys all the time .He wants to go to the DawgWalk every Saturday.”

And now he's sort of flipped the script. I may be on the other side of this thing now and I have the opportunity to be a part of this program and be a part of the DawgWalk and walk in front of 93,000 people. These are the words he said during our meeting on Monday.

I don't know many people that would have that opportunity to sit there and say you grew up as a fan of a school and then you see all this happening and if I want to, I can be a part of This program.

There are elements of Stetson Bennett IV's Georgia history in this game. Except Roldan will be coming to Athens as a full-scholarship player and won't have to follow the preferred non-scholarship path.

He always knew what he wanted. He had the two schools he felt most comfortable with when Georgia and Georgia Tech offered him. Former UGA offensive analyst Buster Faulkner, now the offensive coordinator at Tech, was huge for the Yellow Jackets in that game.

Roldan felt very comfortable on The Flats.

But it wasn't the dream. It wasn't Georgia and fall Saturdays at Sanford Stadium.

His grandfather and great-grandfather went to UGA. His great-uncle too. Roldan and his grandfather are very close.

There is a strong family lineage of people in our family who went to UGA, Aurandt said.

Aurandt went to Valdosta State so he could play football in college. Or he said he also spent his college years in Athens.

Roldan is believed to be the first player from the North Oconee program to play for UGA on scholarship. There have been others who have played for the Bulldogs, but they were preferred as backups or walk-ons.

Are you already subscribed to the DawgNation YouTube channel? If so, you'll see special one-on-one content with key 2025 prospects like Ethan Barbour, Ryan Montgomery, Elijah Griffin and Justus Terry.

3-star WR Landon Roldan has committed to fulfilling his dream offer to play for Georgia football on Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Instagram) (Instagram(/Dawgnation)

3-star WR Landon Roldan has committed to his dream offer to play for Georgia football on Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Instagram) (Instagram/Dawgnation)

3-star WR Landon Roldan committed to making his dream offer to play for Georgia football come true on Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Instagram) (Instagram/Dawgnation)

3-star WR Landon Roldan has committed to fulfilling his dream offer to play for Georgia football on Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Instagram) (Instagram/Dawgnation)


(check out recent readings on Georgia football recruiting)




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