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Bikers – Portsmouth Daily Times

Bikers – Portsmouth Daily Times


This week we hit the road with “The Bikeriders,” directed by Jeff Nichols. When I first saw the trailers for this movie, it immediately reminded me of the movie “Lawless” also starring Tom Hardy. This movie was VERY good. A true story about moonshiners. This film is not necessarily a true story but based on a real “gang” of bikers. I was hoping for a tense drama… although I admit that I still have trouble not seeing Austin Butler in the role of Elvis…

Let's move on to the movie.

The film follows the journey of a motorcycle club through the eyes of Kathy, played by Jodie Comer. Kathy's perspective offers a unique lens through which the audience experiences the ups and downs of life within the club. Her relationship with Johnny, played by Tom Hardy, forms the emotional core of the story, highlighting the personal stakes behind the club's brutal exterior.

Tom Hardy delivers a remarkable performance as Johnny, the club's charismatic but troubled leader. Hardy's portrayal is intense and magnetic, capturing Johnny's internal struggles and his unwavering loyalty to the club. His chemistry with Jodie Comer is palpable, adding depth to their tumultuous relationship. Comer shines as Kathy, bringing a mix of vulnerability and strength to her role. Her character's evolution from outsider to central figure within the club is both compelling and heartfelt.

Austin Butler's Benny provides a fascinating contrast to Johnny. Benny's story, from naive newcomer to hardened club member, is portrayed with nuance and depth. Butler's performance captures the allure and danger of the biker lifestyle, making Benny a relatable and sympathetic character.

Michael Shannon's portrayal of Shaky, an older, seasoned member of the club, adds gravitas to the film. Shannon's performance is understated but powerful, reflecting the wisdom and weariness of a man who has seen it all. Boyd Holbrook and Norman Reedus also turn in strong performances as Danny and Bowden, respectively, each bringing their own unique presence to the club dynamic.

Jeff Nichols' direction is masterful, capturing the raw energy and gritty realism of the biker subculture. The film's cinematography, directed by Adam Stone, is stunning, with sweeping shots of open roads and close-ups that capture the emotional intensity of the characters. The use of natural lighting and desaturated colors reinforces the authentic look of the film, immersing viewers in the 1960s setting.

The screenplay, written by Nichols, is incisive and insightful. The dialogue is authentic and unflinching, reflecting the harsh realities and camaraderie of life in a motorcycle club. The film explores themes of freedom, brotherhood and the cost of living on the edge, offering a nuanced portrait of the biker lifestyle.

“The Bikeriders” is also notable for its soundtrack, which combines period rock and roll with original music by David Wingo. The music enhances the atmosphere of the film, highlighting key moments with a mixture of energy and melancholy.

Despite its many strengths, “The Bikeriders” is not without its flaws. Some viewers may find the pacing of the film uneven, with some scenes seeming too long. Additionally, the film's focus on the male-dominated world of the club can sometimes sideline the female characters, although Comer's performance ensures that Kathy remains a vital part of the narrative.

In conclusion, “The Bikeriders” is a compelling and raw exploration of a subculture that is rarely portrayed with such authenticity and depth. Jeff Nichols’ direction, combined with stellar performances from a talented cast, creates a film that is both emotionally resonant and visually arresting. While it may not appeal to everyone, its raw depiction of loyalty, identity and freedom makes it a must-see for fans of character-driven dramas. 3 1/2 stars out of 5.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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