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Bollywood Returns to the Valley -1

Bollywood Returns to the Valley -1


In the 1960s and 1970s, Kashmir was a favourite location for filmmakers, with its picturesque landscapes and serene lakes serving as the backdrop for iconic films like 'Kashmir Ki Kali' and 'Betaab'.

Kashmir, the breathtakingly beautiful valley, has long been a favourite destination for tourists and filmmakers alike. Its picturesque locations – Gulmarg, Pulwama, Sonamarg, Srinagar and Pahalgam – have provided the perfect backdrop for many iconic Bollywood films. For decades, Indian filmmakers have flocked to Kashmir to capture its breathtaking beauty on film, from romantic scenes to dramatic sequences. The natural charm and allure of the valley has made it an ideal location for filmmakers to bring their vision to life. Kashmir’s cinematic legacy continues to grow, with new films still being shot in this magnificent region, showcasing its beauty to the world. After a hiatus of decades, Bollywood is once again embracing Kashmir as a filming destination, reviving a forgotten chapter in the region’s cinematic history.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Kashmir was a favourite with filmmakers, with its picturesque landscapes and serene lakes serving as the backdrop for iconic films like “Kashmir Ki Kali” and “Betaab”. Abdul Yatoo, a local entrepreneur and film buff, fondly recalls a scene from “Mere Sanam”, where the lead actors walk through a picturesque landscape of poplar trees. For him, the image encapsulates the essence of Kashmir’s beauty. “In the golden age of Bollywood, Kashmir was portrayed as a paradise of breathtaking beauty. Films like Mere Sanam and Kashmir Ki Kali showcased our breathtaking landscapes, majestic gardens and vibrant culture, though some complain that Kashmiri characters were often reduced to stereotypes.”
Bashir Dada, a Kashmiri poet and actor, notes that Kashmir was visually represented as a symbol of peace and solace. “Bollywood films before the 1990s reduced Kashmir to one dimension: its breathtaking beauty. This beauty was portrayed as a treasure trove of pleasure for non-Kashmiri characters, which led to the exoticisation of the region. However, after the outbreak of the Pakistan-backed insurgency in Kashmir, the narrative changed drastically. Very few filmmakers dared to venture into these beautiful valleys. Bollywood’s need for picturesque locales was catered to by foreign destinations like Switzerland, and even travelling to these foreign locales became an easier option.”
The films that were still being made in Kashmir were based on the Kashmir “problem”. According to Amin Bhat, president of Adbi Markaz Kamraz, a leading literary organization, the depiction of Kashmir and its people has taken a sharp turn. The emphasis on beauty has given way to a negative depiction of the land and its inhabitants. Violence has become a spectacle in films like Roja, The Hero and Mission Kashmir, linking it to the destruction of Kashmir's beauty. With the rapid return to normalcy – security forces reduced levels of violence, the army blocked all infiltration routes, the government implemented projects for employment, infrastructure, development of tourism and connectivity – we are also seeing a return of Bollywood.
The tourism industry is witnessing a significant increase in the number of visitors, with over 12.5 lakh tourists visiting Kashmir in 2024 alone. According to officials from the local tourism department, the current trend suggests that 2024 is on track to break all previous records, with a projected 20 per cent increase in tourist arrivals over the previous year. This upward trend is a testament to Kashmir’s enduring appeal as a popular tourist destination, with its breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage and improving infrastructure. As the region continues to attract more visitors, it is expected to have a positive impact on the local economy, with revenues estimated to exceed Rs 1,200 crore (approximately $1.4 billion) by the end of the year.
The Indian Army has leveraged its reach in mofussil areas to put previously inaccessible – and therefore hidden – destinations on the tourism map, actively promoting “border tourism” – in Uri, Gurez and others sectors. The J&K Tourism Department has also discovered hidden gems in the region, selecting hundreds of destinations to promote film tourism. This initiative highlighted the diversity of landscapes, cultures and traditions of the region, attracting both filmmakers and tourists. The excitement culminated with a grand event on film tourism at the G20 Tourism Task Force meeting in Srinagar, where industry experts and stakeholders converged to explore new opportunities and collaborations.
It is therefore no surprise that a record 350 film crews also visited the region, marking a new era in film production. This surge in film tourism has generated a whopping $150 million (approximately $20 million) in revenue, boosting the local economy. Kashmir has attracted a wide range of projects, from major Hindi films like Shah Rukh Khan's Dunki and Karan Johar's Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, to regional masterpieces in Punjabi, Urdu, Telugu and Kannada . The region's film infrastructure and picturesque locations have attracted top filmmakers and actors, with more than 500 filming days recorded in the last year alone.
Recently, actor Emraan Hashmi was filming in the old town of Baramulla and even urged young voters to exercise their right to vote in the parliamentary elections which turned out to be very peaceful. Emraan Hashmi was shooting for his next film, “Ground Zero”. The film, directed by Tejas Vijay Deoskar, also stars Sai Tamhankar and Mukesh Tiwari. Despite rumors of a stone-pelting incident in Pahalgam, Emraan clarified on social media that the reports were false and that the people of Kashmir had been very welcoming and warm. He expressed his joy and appreciation for shooting in Baramulla and Baramulla fans enthusiastically shared pictures and videos of Emraan on the set, dressed in a military uniform.
The benefits of shooting films in Kashmir are numerous and beneficial for both filmmakers and the local community. For filmmakers, Kashmir offers a wide variety of locations, from majestic mountains to serene lakes and lush valleys, providing a unique and breathtaking backdrop for their films. Moreover, the cost of production is relatively low, making it a profitable destination for filmmakers. The government also offers subsidies and incentives, making the deal even more attractive. Moreover, Kashmir’s rich cultural heritage and unique storytelling opportunities make it an attractive destination for filmmakers looking to tell diverse stories. The region’s complex history, politics, and culture offer a wealth of material for filmmakers to explore. By shooting in Kashmir, filmmakers can also promote the region’s culture and heritage, showcasing its beauty and talent to a global audience. (To be continued)




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