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'Roseanne', 'Arrested Development' Actor Martin Mull Dies at 80

'Roseanne', 'Arrested Development' Actor Martin Mull Dies at 80


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Martin Mull, known for television series such as “Arrested Development” and “Roseanne” as well as films such as “Clue” (1985) and “Mr. Mom” ​​(1983), has died at the age of 80.

Mull's daughter said the comedian and actor died at his home on Thursday after “a valiant battle with a long illness.”

Mull, who was also a guitarist and painter, rose to national fame with a recurring role on the Norman Lear-created satirical soap opera “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman” and a starring role on its spin-off, “Fernwood Tonight,” in which he played Barth Gimble, the host of a satirical talk show.


Martin Mull in Roseanne/Martin Mull smiling close-up

Martin Mull, known for television series such as “Arrested Development” and “Roseanne” as well as films such as “Clue” (1985), has died at the age of 80. (Getty)


“He was known for excelling in every creative discipline imaginable and also for doing commercials for Red Roof Inn,” his daughter, Maggie Mull, a television writer, said in an Instagram post. “He thought that joke was funny. He never failed to laugh. My dad will be deeply missed by his wife and daughter, his friends and colleagues, his fellow artists, comedians and musicians, and in the sign of a truly exceptional person, many, many dogs.”

Fred Willard, Roseanne Barr and Martin Mull in Roseanne

Mull with Roseanne Barr and Fred Willard on “Roseanne.”


Simpsons actor Harry Shearer wrote on his social media: “It took me a while to realize that Martin Mull had passed away. In the late 70s we worked together on Fernwood Tonight and the show that took over from him. We wrote together, often at the beach (!), and sometimes I would go out and riff with him, Mucho laffs! It's always a treat to be with RIP MM.

Before his success in television and film, Mull performed his music and comedy in Hollywood clubs in the 1970s.

Martin Mull at an event

Actor Martin Mull attends the Television Academy's Emmy Nominees Reception at the Pacific Design Center on September 16, 2016 in West Hollywood, California. (Getty)


He told the Associated Press in 1980: “In 1976, I was a guitarist and comic at the Roxy on the Sunset Strip when Norman Lear came in and heard me. He cast me as the abusive husband in Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. Four months later, I had my own show.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.




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