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Chalk artists, public to create world of color in Lehi at annual festival | News, Sports, Jobs

Chalk artists, public to create world of color in Lehi at annual festival | News, Sports, Jobs


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A chalk artist draws a piece inspired by the Charlie Brown comic strip at a previous year's event.

Courtesy of the Harrington Center for the Arts

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A chalk artist creates sidewalk art during the 2023 Chalk it Up festival.

Courtesy of the Harrington Center for the Arts

The Adobe Lehi campus will be transformed into a sea of ​​chalk art this weekend.

Dozens of artists from across Utah and out of state will come together for the sixth annual Chalk It Up Festival, taking place Friday and Saturday.

THE Harrington Arts Center organizes the annual event to provide a space and opportunity for local artists to exhibit their talents in a unique setting.

The sidewalk art contest also exposes community members to a one-of-a-kind experience without being tied to an admission price.

Summerisa Stevens, president of the Harrington Center for the Arts, says the organization aims to provide opportunities like Chalk It Up that are either free or low-cost for participants. And that's with the goal of making art more accessible, regardless of, I guess, your social status or your economic value in our community, she said.

Chalk art has a unique power to inspire all ages because it removes barriers that would otherwise intimidate a non-artistic member of the community from participating in an arts event, Stevens added.

Artists of all ages will spend hours creating colorful cement masterpieces at the Adobe Lehi campus.

Stevens said the event gives younger and aspiring artists the opportunity to network with professionals who can offer advice or different technical methods. It’s just a really cool community feeling where even the best artists want to help inspire the next generation of artists to explore their creativity and improve, she said.

THE chalk art history The sport dates back to the 16th century in Italy. It was revived in the 20th century and became a popular activity with children and people of all ages.

Chalk It Up runs from 10am to 5pm both days, with a free beginner's chalk art class from 5pm to 6pm on Friday.

Competitors will be judged based on their age category and a variety of factors. We allow artists to say what they are passionate about and what excites them, so there is not just one theme or one style that is being addressed, Stevens told the Daily Herald. You have artists who all have very different styles and creative levels.

Around 15,000 people are expected at the two-day festival to see the artwork come to life while enjoying numerous attractions, including food trucks and vendor booths, and even making their own chalk creations.

It’s not like going to a museum where you have to be an art lover to be there, right? Chalk It Up is for everyone, at all levels. You can come and have fun and you’ll love what you see, Stevens said.

The Adobe campus is located in3900 Adobe Way in Lehi.


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