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Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez's marriage is 'completely over' as actor moves business out of home: source

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez's marriage is 'completely over' as actor moves business out of home: source


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Ben Affleck is reportedly moving all of his belongings out of the home he shares with wife Jennifer Lopez amid divorce rumors.

The 51-year-old actor and the 54-year-old singer, who married in July 2022, are living separately, a source confirmed to Fox News Digital. Lopez lives in the couple's $60.8 million mansion in Beverly Hills, while Affleck stays in a rental a few miles away in the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, according to People magazine.

According to a source close to the couple who spoke to People in a report published Friday, the “Argo” star removed all of her personal items from the mansion before the “On the Floor” singer returned from her solo vacation in Italy.

“He started moving out a while ago,” a source told Fox News Digital. “The marriage is completely over and Jennifer is heartbroken. She loves love and wanted it to work so badly.”


Ben Affleck walks outside/Jennifer Lopez with his hand on his hip

Ben Affleck has reportedly moved all of his belongings out of the home he shares with Jennifer Lopez. (Getty)

Lopez and Affleck reportedly quietly attempted to sell the estate while dealing with the media frenzy surrounding their relationship.

A second source told People magazine that Affleck continues to live in the Brentwood rental where he has been for about two months.

“He seems to be doing well,” the source added. “He is in the office every day and seems focused on his work. He also spends time with his children. »

Another source confirmed to Fox News Digital that Affleck made work his main concern during his marital problems.

“Ben works non-stop and spends a lot of time at his desk,” the source said. “He's working on a lot of projects that he's passionate about. He's very involved with his company (Artists Equity). He really wants to continue to focus on directing, acting and producing.”

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez posing together on the red carpet

A source said the couple's marriage was “completely over.” (John Salangsang/Variety via Getty Images)

The actor stars in and produces the action thriller “The Accountant 2,” currently in production in Los Angeles.

In photos obtained by TMZ, Lopez and Affleck were photographed separately on June 26 at a West Hollywood office building, where they both have offices. According to the outlet, Affleck arrived around 10 a.m. and was photographed wearing a navy suit and a black leather gym bag.


TMZ reported that Lopez arrived at the building a few hours after her husband and left before him a few hours later. Lopez stars in the upcoming sports biopic “Unstoppable,” produced by Affleck and Matt Damon's Artists Equity and which wrapped production in January.

The “Shotgun Wedding” actress is also set to play the lead role in Artists Equity's adaptation of the 1993 Broadway musical “Kiss of the Spider Woman.”

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are caught on camera leaving a Broadway show.

Lopez and Affleck tied the knot in July 2022, 20 years after calling off their first marriage. (James Devaney)

Earlier this month, Lopez stunned fans when she announced in her newsletter that her This is Me Live tour had been canceled. Representatives for Live Nation said in a statement that the singer was “taking time to be with her children, family and close friends.”


Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez split rumors began after 47 days of not being seen together. Since then, they have been seen together on rare occasions. They attended the graduations of Affleck's daughter Violet, 18, and son Samuel, 12, earlier this month.

Although Lopez and Affleck don't have children together, Lopez has 16-year-old twins, Emme and Max, with ex-husband Marc Anthony. Affleck and his ex-wife Jennifer Garner are the parents of Violet, Samuel and Seraphina, 15.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck at the Grammy Awards

Affleck and Lopez live separately and have rarely been seen together in recent months. (Johnny Nunez)

On Father's Day, Lopez paid tribute to Affleck in a post on her Instagram Story.

She shared a black and white photo of Affleck from 2001, when he played Rafe McCawley in “Pearl Harbor.”


“Our hero,” Lopez wrote with a white heart emoji. “Happy Father’s Day.”

Fox News Digital has reached out to representatives for Affleck and Lopez for comment.




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