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From Bollywood to Paris: Indian fashion industry has a significant impact on global haute couture | Fashion trends

From Bollywood to Paris: Indian fashion industry has a significant impact on global haute couture |  Fashion trends


The Indian fashion industry is recognized globally due to its rich culture and heritage. The thriving Indian fashion industry captivates people across the world with its fascinating collections, built on a legacy, yet constantly evolving and, as a result, leaving a mark on the global stage. Notable Indian designers like Rahul Mishra blend traditional techniques with modern aesthetics, earning international acclaim and gracing the runways of fashion capitals.

Indian designers like Gaurav Gupta and Rahul Mishra are redefining global fashion with their cultural riches.
Indian designers like Gaurav Gupta and Rahul Mishra are redefining global fashion with their cultural riches.

Mishra’s innovative designs are celebrated in international fashion magazines and worn by international celebrities at major events across the world, including the Met Gala and the Cannes Film Festival. In an interview with ANI, fashion designer Rahul Mishra said, “As a brand, we have been showcasing our work for almost 10 years and have been participating in Paris Fashion Week with stunning collections since 2014. Following our Woolmark Prize win, we are now presenting our 10th season at Haute Couture Week, which kicked off in January 2020.”

“I truly believe that none of this would have been possible without India. Every part of our brand and everything we do today is because of the magnificent craftsmanship and thousands of skilled workers who have collaborated with us. It’s not just my brand; it’s a community brand created by artisans and the people who worked on it,” shared the ace designer. With growing demand globally, many Indian designers are poised to shine on catwalks around the world.

Amit Aggarwal is famous for his innovative creations, combining traditional know-how and modern techniques. Her collections debut at prestigious events like India Couture Week and Lakme Fashion Week, featuring elaborate dresses, lehengas and sarees. The meticulous work put into each garment comes as no surprise to those familiar with the Indian fashion industry.

Amit Aggarwal, another fashion designer, added, “For me, the most important aspect when it comes to presenting something internationally is that it remains rooted in India: the craft, the skills, the materials we use and the fabrics we create. What is really important to me is to show that India is not just about traditional crafts. The country is a pioneer in thinking out of the box and creating something relevant and new for modern times. I believe my work represents what India truly embodies: its rich culture and contemporary innovations.”

The haute couture sector, known for its exclusive high-end garments, has witnessed notable growth. Valued at USD 1.47261 billion in 2021, the sector is expected to reach USD 1.34566 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 2.3%. According to Business Research Insights, Indian designers are gaining recognition in haute couture, benefiting from the robust Indian textile and apparel industry. The Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI) nurtures talent, provides platforms to showcase work, and promotes the rich heritage of Indian fashion globally.

FDCI President Sunil Sethi said, “India is the flavor of the world in many different areas, but when it comes to fashion, we have seen a very recent shift. I'm really proud that this change is happening. For example, people now participate not only in various fashion weeks around the world, but also in trade shows in Paris, London, New York and even Los Angeles. I’m really happy that a wide range of people are traveling across India, and that we are suddenly becoming bigger as a nation of actively participating creators.”

Indian designers are making a global splash, taking their culture to international stages. From New York to Paris, from London to Milan, the fusion of tradition and modernity in Indian fashion captivates audiences and critics alike. Thanks to India's strong economy and growing middle class, the fashion industry is poised to become more organized and profitable.




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