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4 Hollywood Studios Restaurants I'll Never Eat At Again


Look, we ALL have Disney World regrets.

Hollywood Studios

We've all had at least one mortifying experience, we've made mistakes, and we've forgotten to pack the essentials we constantly tell you not to forget — we're human after all! But when it comes to deciding where you should stay and eat, you want to make the right decision for you. After all, it is NOT cheap! So today we're sharing some of the restaurants AllEars readers said they'd never eat at again at Disney's Hollywood Studios.

We've already talked about Magic Kingdom and EPCOT, but it's time to talk about the busy Hollywood Studios. We asked our readers on Facebook to answer the question:Which Hollywood Studios restaurant will you NEVER eat at again?We share these answers and some alternatives below!

Which Hollywood Studios restaurant will you NEVER eat at again?

Published by AllEars.Net on Friday June 21, 2024

We had several restaurants with multiple votes which brings us to the first answer. Jamie said, “I think in general they should rethink their dining in this park,” and that sentiment was echoed by many. But let’s get into some detail because there are some great eats hidden away in Hollywood Studios – you just have to know where to look.

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time we've seen this restaurant among the park's least favorites. The Sci-Fi Dine-In Theatre got the most votes in the comments by far.

Science Fiction Dinner

AllEars reader Misti said: “While the theme was fun, our service was poor, it was so dark, the food was nothing special, and the seats were incredibly uncomfortable. I know the last point could be resolved by asking for one of the regular tables, but that defeats the point of going here. We both wanted to try it, but now that we have, I have no reason to go back. »

Inside the Sci-Fi Dine-In

Many complaints were about seating. Most of the tables at this restaurant are in train cars and each row seats two people. This can make conversation difficult if you are in a group. Reader Jen said, “We sat too close to the screen and felt nauseous,” and Jan mentioned that “the seats in the train cars are too tight.”


There are a few picnic tables in the back, but most of the tables here have car seats.

Picnic tables in the back

Sci-Fi's menu serves classic American dishes like onion rings, burgers, and milkshakes, and since it's a table service restaurant, the prices aren't cheap. From our experience the food is ok, but we can see the dilemma between quality and price.

Reader Erica said: “The theme and ambiance is great, but the food is not good. The coolness of the experience doesn't make up for the mediocre food and the price that goes with it. »

Burger movie

Michael, another AllEars reader, described it as “not bad, but not worth eating more than once.” The atmosphere is the biggest draw, so if that’s something you enjoy, it’s worth checking out. You can just order a snack or milkshake here instead of a full meal to save money.


If you're looking for another unique restaurant inside Disney's Hollywood Studios, check out 50s Prime Time Cafe. This is another place that isn't for everyone because the waiters heckle you like you're family, but we're big fans of the food here.

Food from the 50s Prime Time Cafe

There have been some mixed reviews of Mama Melrose's, located in the Grand Avenue neighborhood. Some say it was a terrible experience while others say it's just not memorable enough to go back.

Mom Melrose

Reader Liz said: “Mama Melrose… not because it’s horrible or anything, it’s just not worth spending time at.” We have to agree: it’s nice and generally easy to walk to if you’re in desperate need of a sit-down meal in the air conditioning, but it’s not a standout spot in the park.

Mozzarella sticks

On the other hand, this is some people's worst dining experience in all of Disney World. Reader Michelle said, “Worst food, service, and experience I've ever had at WDW and I've been going since 1982…”

Another common complaint is that it's “expensive for basic Italian food.” Entrees range from $19 to $36, with most entrees costing over $12 each and desserts costing around $10 each.

Rigatoni Bolognese

Let’s be real, Hollywood Studios isn’t the place to go for Italian food. With Mama Melrose and PizzeRizzo, we highly recommend satisfying those cravings elsewhere. That includes Via Napoli at EPCOT or Trattoria al Forno on Disney’s BoardWalk if you want to avoid the parks.

Lasagna at Trattoria al Forno

There are several character meals at Disney World…but they can't all be winners. And according to you, Hollywood and Vine are NOT one of them.

Emma and Sage with Goofy

Apparently Hollywood Studios has two fails in the “worst dining experience ever” category, because reader Karen said, “Hollywood and Vine was the worst dining experience we've ever had at WDW.” That was 20 years ago and I still feel sick thinking about it. Never again. »

Spring is yours

For what ? You guessed it: “It’s expensive and not worth it.” » Reader Lori offered this caveat: “I will say the character interaction was amazing, but the food was horrible and the price was outrageous. »

Some of you mentioned that this was a good option for kids because of the characters…but we have a few places with better food to recommend. We recently tried the breakfast and it wasn't quite what we expected – check out that full review here!

Fancy Nancy has a show on Disney Jr.!

One of our favorite character meals is at the Garden Grill at EPCOT. There, you'll meet Mickey, Pluto, Chip, and Dale and eat delicious food, some of which is even grown inside the Land Pavilion!

Garden grill

Looking for a characterful breakfast option? Just a Skyliner ride from Hollywood Studios is Topolino Terrace. It's a little more expensive than other options, however, it continues to receive rave reviews for its food and adorable themed character costumes.

Minnie the poet on the terrace of Topolino

Rounding out our list of Hollywood Studios' “never again” restaurants, we have the Hollywood Brown Derby. This one received many votes in the comments from you!

Hollywood Brown Derby

Several readers said the food was delicious, so what's the problem? For many, it was the service during their visit. AllEars reader Stacey said, “We tried twice several years apart and the food was absolutely fine. The second time was last year and our server was not good. This was our anniversary dinner, unfortunately bad service and just okay food but expensive check.”

Cobb Salad

Reader Tara shared her experience: “I've been there several times over the years and – meh… it doesn't justify the prices. I love their grapefruit cake martini, but we always sit out front in their living room and have hors d'oeuvres and drinks every once in a while. »

She’s not the only one recommending the lounge. The Hollywood Brown Derby Lounge is attached to the main restaurant and you can enjoy many of the same beloved menu items, including the Cobb Salad, Grapefruit Cake and Grapefruit Cake Martini. You can sign up for the lounge’s walk-in waitlist on the My Disney Experience app!

Hollywood Brown Derby Salon

Don't want to worry about service? Go to a quick service point. We recommend BaseLine Tap House for a refreshing drink and quick bite…like this amazing Bavarian Pretzel for only $10! There's also a California cheese and charcuterie plate for $13, which is $10 less than the one at the Hollywood Brown Derby.

BaseLine Faucet House

We want to hear YOUR thoughts! Leave a review right here on AllEars for restaurants you've visited so you can help other Disney lovers plan their next trip!

In the meantime, stay tuned to AllEars for more.

The 2 Disney World Hotel Restaurants Experts Are Still Trying to Control

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What do you think? What is your favorite and least favorite restaurant in Hollywood Studios? Tell us in the comments.




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