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Martin Mull: Sabrina The Teenage Witch and Roseanne star dies aged 80 | Ents & Arts News

Martin Mull: Sabrina The Teenage Witch and Roseanne star dies aged 80 |  Ents & Arts News


Martin Mull, who starred in hit TV shows including Roseanne, Sabrina The Teenage Witch and Arrested Development, has died aged 80.

Mull's daughter, television writer and comic book artist Maggie Mull, said he died at his home on Thursday after a “valiant fight against a long illness.”

The American actor, known for his role in the 1970s satirical soap opera Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman and its spin-off Fernwood Tonight, “never failed to laugh”, Ms Mull said.

“He was known for excelling in every creative discipline imaginable and also for directing commercials for Red Roof Inn,” Mull wrote on Instagram.

“He thought that joke was funny. He was never funny.

“My father will be greatly missed by his wife and daughter, his friends and work colleagues, his fellow artists, actors and musicians and – the sign of a truly exceptional person – many, many dogs.”

Mull was born in Chicagogrew up in Ohio and Connecticut and studied art in Rhode Island and Rome, and was known for his blond hair and neatly trimmed mustache.

In the 1990s, he rose to fame for his recurring role in several seasons of the popular sitcom Roseanne, in which he played the boss of the main character, Leon Carp.

Martin Mull (third from left) with other members of the cast of Sabrina, the Teenage Witch.  Photo: Rex/Viacom/Everett/Shutterstock
Mull (third from left) with other cast members from Sabrina The Teenage Witch. Photo: Rex/Viacom/Everett/Shutterstock

To millennials, he is perhaps still best known as the director of Sabrina The Teenage Witch, playing the bossy principal Kraft.

Melissa Joan Hart, who played Sabrina, paid tribute to a “wonderful man” on Instagram, writing: “Rest in peace my friend. The incredible Martin Mull (Director Kraft) has left us to his eternal rest.

“I have such fond memories of working with him and being in awe of his enormous body of work, which before Sabrina the Teenage Witch included Roseanne and Mr. Mom as projects I knew him for.”

He would later appear on Arrested Development as private detective Gene Parmesan, and was nominated for his first Emmy in 2016 for an appearance on Veep.

“I'm very proud of what I did on Veep, but I'd like to think it's probably more collective, at my age it's more collective,” Mull said after his nomination.

“It could go all the way back to Fernwood. »

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Martin Mull (center) photographed in 1979. Photo: Ralph Dominguez/MediaPunch /IPX via AP
Mull (center) photographed in 1979. Photo: Ralph Dominguez/MediaPunch/IPX via AP

Other comedians and actors were often Mull's biggest fans.

“Martin was the best,” Bridesmaids director Paul Feig told X.

“So funny, so talented, so kind. I had the chance to perform with him on The Jackie Thomas Show and enjoyed every moment spent with a legend.

“Fernwood Tonight has been such an influence in my life.”

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Mull is survived by his daughter Maggie and musician Wendy Haas, his wife since 1982.




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