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Pankaj Tripathi reacts to Pankaj Jha accusing him of glamorising wrestling, calls his comments noise he doesn't pay attention to | Bollywood News

Pankaj Tripathi reacts to Pankaj Jha accusing him of glamorising wrestling, calls his comments noise he doesn't pay attention to | Bollywood News


Actor Pankaj Tripathi responded to his contemporary Pankaj Jha claims to have 'glamorised' his difficulties. Tripathi, who shot to fame with Anurag Kashyap's Gangs of Wasseypur in 2012, said he never “romanticized” his struggles in the industry. In an interview with The Lallantop, Pankaj Jha, known for playing Vidhayak ji in Panchayat, had said that if one chooses to follow his passion, one should enjoy the journey and not complain about the problems he has to face.

“As we have seen many times in the industry, people like to glamorise their struggles. Some say they sold potatoes, some say they lived in a small house, some say they stole another actor’s slippers. I think every situation is a learning experience.” His comment was in reference to an episode of The Kapil Sharma Show, in which Manoj Bajpayee had revealed that Pankaj Tripathi had once stolen one of his slippers as a souvenir. Pankaj worked at a hotel where Manoj had stayed as a guest.

In an interview with India Today, Pankaj Tripathi was asked about Jha's comment, to which he replied, “I have never romanticised my journey or my struggles. Yes, I mentioned that my wife was earning money while I was looking for work. I never said that I would donate to anyone else. gamcha (towel) on my waist and sleep in front of Andheri railway station. I had a beautiful and happy life when we moved to Mumbai. I never tried to glamorize or seek sympathy from him.

The actor said that everyone has their own battles and if people read or hear their stories, it's possible that some will be inspired. “And even if they don't, that's okay. You just have to live your own life the way you want to live it.”

The actor said that he was greatly influenced by Om Puri and Manoj Bajpayee. “I definitely took inspiration from them. Similarly, some people can be motivated by my journey or someone else’s journey. We are all on a journey and if someone can connect with it, not necessarily in terms of acting and art, but in any way.” When asked if Jha’s allegations hurt him, Pankaj Tripathi said, “Not at all. I am not someone who is likely to get hurt. All this noise doesn’t affect me at all.”

Pankaj Jha had also claimed that filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, with whom he had previously worked on films like Black Friday and Gulaal, had approached him for the role of Sultan Qureshi in Gangs of Wasseypur, which was eventually played by Tripathi.

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Later, however, Pankaj Jha said he never made any comments on Pankaj Tripathi. Speaking to, Jha said, “So far, I have not mentioned any Tripathi's name in any of my interviews. You can go listen to all my interviews, you'll know I haven't mentioned anyone's name. It's a very childish thing to do. Why am I going to tell anyone about this? The media always needs masala, I never said anything like that, they just made it up. Becoming an actor is not the ultimate achievement. Just like every actor wants to become a big star, in the same way several journalists are also lagging behind stardom. They make up stories to attract attention and recognition. Reply to Jha's comments, Anurag had called it a case of sour grapes. “Now he may be thinking that after 20 years he could have become Pankaj Tripathi,” the filmmaker told India Today.

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