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15 Old Hollywood Movies That Were Almost Banned Because They Were Secretly Really Gay


Throughout the 1930s and 1960s, old Hollywood films had to follow strict guidelines, known as the Hays Code, which essentially prevented them from featuring anything overtly sexual or “inappropriate.” Many filmmakers got creative with how they could get around this censorship. So here are some films that are subtly (and not so subtly) super, super, super gay. Appreciate!

1.All about Eve (1950) is a witty and toxic drama about an aging actress who befriends a fan who ultimately attempts to usurp her. This film shares the record for most Academy Award nominations, with 14, and it briefly features Marilyn Monroe in one of her earliest roles. There are so many queer nuances and characters throughout the film, and they are all so delightful. Plus, I personally think it's the best movie ever made, so enjoy.

Bette Davis and Anne Baxter in a three-part scene from a movie. Bette Davis says: Bette Davis and Anne Baxter in a three-panel scene from a movie. Bette Davis says:

Who's in it?: Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, Thelma Ritter, Celeste Holm, George Sanders and Gary Merrill

20th Century Fox

Here is the trailer:

2.Tea and Sympathy (1956) follows a “sensitive” prep school teenager who is bullied by other students and teachers. He finds solace in an older woman, played by Deborah Kerr, and the whole thing is so lovely to watch.

Four-frame scene of Mr. Lee, Laura and Bill in a conversation about whether someone is a regular guy, referring to their upbringing and behaviorsFour-frame scene of Mr. Lee, Laura and Bill in a conversation about whether someone is a regular guy, referring to their upbringing and behaviors

Who's in it?: Deborah Kerr, Leif Erickson, John Kerr and Edward Andrews


Here is the trailer:

3.Compulsion (1959) follows two hot, rich, secretly gay college kids who commit murder and think they're too smart to get away with it. It's loosely based on a real-life murder trial, so trust me on this one.

Three black and white scenes from a film starring Sean Connery: the first in a car, the second with a woman and the third in a prison cell. Text: Three black and white scenes from a film starring Sean Connery: the first in a car, the second with a woman and the third in a prison cell.  Text:

Who's in it?:Orson Welles, Dean Stockwell, Bradford Dillman, Diane Varsi and Richard Anderson

20th century fox

Here is the trailer:

4.On the edge of the city (1957) is a brutal drama about the friendship between Sidney Poitier and John Cassavetes' characters. It's harsh and brutal and has a lot of queer subtext. Ruby Dee is also in this film, and she is particularly fantastic.

A man gives advice to another man about different social choices and their consequences. Another man asks: A man gives advice to another man about different social choices and their consequences.  Another man asks:

Who's inside: Sidney Poitier, John Cassavetes, Ruby Dee and Jack Warden


Here is the trailer:

5.Purple noon (1960) is actually adapted from the book The Talented Mr. RipleyThis French film is just too hot, and if you like suspense thrillers or even vaguely liked the 1999 version with Jude Law and Matt Damon, then you absolutely need to see it.

First image: A man wearing a cap eats and talks.  Second image: A woman wearing a striped shirt looks at a man while eating.  Third image: The man talks while eatingFirst image: A man wearing a cap eats and talks.  Second image: A woman in a striped shirt looks at a man while eating.  Third image: The man speaks while eating

Who's in it?: Alain Delon, Maurice Ronet, Marie Lafort and Billy Kearns


Here is the trailer:

6.Strangers on a train (1951) is a psychological thriller by Alfred Hitchcock. It's about two strangers who both want to murder someone, so they swap victims to avoid anyone becoming suspicious of them. Farley Granger is so much fun to watch in this movie, and I beg you to watch it.

A scene from the movie A scene from the movie

Who's in it?: Farley Granger, Robert Walker and Ruth Roman

Warner Bros.

Here is the trailer:

7.The hitchhiker (1953) tells the story of two friends who are taken hostage after picking up a hitchhiker while on their way to a fishing trip. The film is based on the Billy Cook shootings of 1950 and examines gay panic, masculinity, and traditional gender roles.

Three black and white stills show a tense exchange. The text includes: Three black-and-white still images show a tense exchange.  The text includes:

Who's in it?:Edmond O'Brien, Frank Lovejoy and William Talman

Photos from RKO radio

Here is the trailer:

8.Children's time (1961) stars Audrey Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine as two women who run an all-girls boarding school in 1930s New England. One of the students is a troublemaking little bitch who starts a rumor that they are allegedly in a lesbian relationship, and all hell breaks loose. The film is based on the famous play of the same name by Lillian Hellman, and it's a must-see.

Who's in it: Audrey Hepburn, Shirley MacLaine, James Garner, Fay Bainter and Miriam HopkinsWith whom: Audrey Hepburn, Shirley MacLaine, James Garner, Fay Bainter and Miriam Hopkins

Who's in it?:Audrey Hepburn, Shirley MacLaine, James Garner, Fay Bainter and Miriam Hopkins

United Artists

Here is the trailer:

9.The servant (1963) deals with unspoken desires, homoerotic tensions and the ultimate dom-sub power dynamics. In it, a wealthy young Londoner hires a man to be his servant. The servant slowly takes control and manipulates his “master”, and it's a wild ride.

Three black and white still images of Three black and white photos of

Who's in it?: James Fox, Dirk Bogarde, Sarah Miles and Wendy Craig

Warner Road

Here is the trailer:

ten.Victim (1961) centers on a closeted London lawyer who is blackmailed for being gay, which was illegal in England until 1967. It is a groundbreaking piece of the film history, because it was the first British film to explicitly mention homosexuality, and it should be. mandatory viewing for everyone.

Three still images in black and white. Top: a man on the phone with a text message Three black and white film stills.  Above: a man on the phone with a text message

Who's inside: Dirk Bogarde, Dennis Price, Anthony Nicholls and Sylvia Syms

Ranking of film distributors

Here is the trailer:

11.Rebel without a cause (1955) stars James Dean as a bisexual hunk, so you couldn't ask for more. The original script called for his character to kiss Plato, one of the first gay teenagers on screen, but the Hays Code quickly stopped that from happening. Still, this movie is bold, dramatic, and romantic, and the entire cast is so much fun to watch.

First panel: the man asks: First panel: the man asks:

Who's in it?: James Dean, Sal Mineo, Natalie Wood and Dennis Hopper

Warner Bros.

Here is the trailer:

12.Rope (1948) is another Hitchcock classic, this time following two gay men who think they've committed the perfect murder and then have a dinner party to secretly brag about it. The film was shot to look like everything was filmed in one take, which builds suspense and helps keep the characters (and viewers) in suspense.

Scene from the movie Scene from the movie

Who's inside: James Stewart, Farley Granger, John Dall, Dick Hogan, Douglas Dick and Edith Evanson

Warner Bros. Pictures

Here is the trailer:

13.Suddenly last summer (1959) centers on a wealthy widow who tries to have her niece lobotomized to cover up the truth about her secretly gay (and now deceased) son. This one is a bit far-fetched, but Katharine Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor both received Oscar nominations for their roles, so there's that.

Characters having a dramatic conversation: a distressed woman addresses the man as Characters having a dramatic conversation: a distressed woman addresses the man as

Who's inside: Elizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepburn, Montgomery Clift and Gary Raymond

Photos of Colombia

Here is the trailer:

14.Advice and consent (1962) is a political drama adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning book of the same name. It focuses on the confirmation of a nominee for Secretary of State, who happens to be a married U.S. senator who is being blackmailed for secretly having affairs with a man in the past.

Scenes from a classic black-and-white film set in a gay bar, described as the first mainstream American film to depict such a settingScenes from a classic black-and-white film set in a gay bar, described as the first mainstream American film to depict such a setting

Who's inside: Henry Fonda, Don Murray, Gene Tierney, Walter Pidgeon and Charles Laughton

Photos of Colombia

Here is the trailer:

15.And finally, The haunting (1963) is a groundbreaking horror film that features one of the only lesbian characters of its time who is female and not predatory. The film is based on the book Hill House Haunted Housewhich was eventually turned into a hugely popular Netflix series, so if you liked any of those, you should check this one out too.

The women look fearful, standing side by side in front of a cracked mirror; the last image is a close-up of their faces, both expressing concern.The women look fearful, standing side by side in front of a cracked mirror;  the last image is a close-up of their faces, both expressing concern

Who's inside: Julie Harris, Claire Bloom, Richard Johnson and Russ Tamblyn


Here is the trailer:

Looking for more LGBTQ+ or Pride content? Check out all of BuzzFeed's posts celebrating Pride 2024.

Graffiti art display Graffiti art display





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