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7 Bollywood Movies Shot In One Location

7 Bollywood Movies Shot In One Location


In the vast landscape of Bollywood cinema, where sprawling sets and exotic locations often dominate, a unique subset of films stands out for its ability to captivate audiences within the confines of a single location. These “movies in a bottle” demonstrate the power of focused storytelling, proving that limitations can breed creativity. Check out these seven Bollywood films that masterfully create compelling narratives in tight spaces.

Ek Ruka Hua Faisla (YouTube) IMDb rating: 8.3/10

Basu Chatterjee's remake of 12 Angry Men takes place entirely in a jury room. As twelve jurors deliberate on the fate of a young man accused of patricide, the confined space becomes a pressure cooker of conflicting personalities and prejudices. The film's unique setting intensifies the moral and ethical dilemmas each character faces, creating a gripping exploration of the justice system.

Bheja Fry' (YouTube) IMDb Rating: 7.6/10

Sagar Ballary's comedy revolves around the home of a wealthy music producer, where a case of mistaken identity leads to hilarious chaos. When an eccentric guest, secretly a tax inspector, arrives for dinner, the confined space amplifies the comic misunderstandings and social awkwardness, resulting in a laugh-out-loud experience.

Pihu (YouTube) IMDb rating: 6.7/10

Vinod Kapri's heartbreaking drama follows a two-year-old girl left alone in an apartment after her mother's tragic demise. The entire film takes place within the confines of the home, transforming everyday household objects into potential hazards. This unique perspective creates a tense and emotional experience that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

'Raincoat' (Amazon Prime) IMDb Rating: 7.7/10

Rituparno Ghosh's poignant drama takes place mostly in a single room where two former lovers reunite. The limited setting allows for an intimate exploration of their shared past and the lies they tell to protect each other's feelings. The claustrophobic atmosphere reflects the emotional confinement of the characters, resulting in a deeply moving story.

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WHO? (YouTube) IMDb Rating: 7.8/10

Ram Gopal Varma's suspenseful film is set entirely in a house where a young woman finds herself trapped with a potential killer. The unique location builds tension as the true nature of the characters is slowly revealed, keeping the audience guessing until the very end.

Phobia (Zee5) IMDb rating: 6.8/10

This film starring Radhika Apte tells the story of an artist suffering from agoraphobia, confined to her apartment. The restricted setting reflects the mental state of the protagonist, blurring the lines between reality and paranoia. The apartment itself becomes a character, reflecting the main character's deteriorated psyche.

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Trapped (Zee5) IMDb rating: 7.5/10

Vikramaditya Motwane's gripping film follows a man who is accidentally locked in his high-rise apartment. This unique place transforms from a comfortable living space into a grueling battleground for survival. As resources dwindle and desperation grows, the confined setting amplifies the protagonist's physical and psychological challenges.

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