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Is Hollywood Turning Away From Biden in 2024 Election? Deseret News

Is Hollywood Turning Away From Biden in 2024 Election? Deseret News


Julia Roberts and George Clooney announced it was the largest Democratic fundraiser ever on stage at the Peacock Theatre in downtown Los Angeles. It was a large, star-studded crowd before President Joe Biden took the stage on June 16.

It was an exclusive event. Tickets started at $250, with $500,000 in seating at the door and photo ops. Barbra Streisand presented first lady Jill Biden as the neighbor everyone would like to have, not the kind of person who suddenly flies an American flag upside down.

On the same stage, Jack Black, dressed in American flag overalls and a Dark Brandon T-shirt, made enthusiastic remarks about giving up other appearances to run alongside Biden. “And when the president wins in November, yes! I’m pretty sure I’m going to get a sweet tribute in his victory speech for what I gave up to be here,” he joked. Because when democracy is on the line, Jack Black steps up. Mr. President, you’re welcome.

Hollywood has repeatedly sided with the Democratic Party, including in the 2020 election, when it overwhelmingly leaned toward Biden. But will the entertainment industry hesitate to give Biden the boost he so desperately needs? Especially in light of his widely criticized performance in this week’s debate?

Evan Nierman, founder and CEO of Red Banyan, a global crisis communications firm, said the big names at the event are the usual suspects when it comes to Hollywood and political involvement.

What you don't see is a huge rush to get involved in this year's elections, because the decision to enter politics is a dangerous decision for a celebrity, Nierman said. He blamed the hyper-polarized times for making an endorsement appear to walk on eggshells.

Yet on Friday, the day after the debate, Biden took the stage in New York. alongside the superstars like Elton John and Katy Perry. Biden may have lost some support, but Hollywood still funds and votes heavily for Democrats, and many stars are expected to rally to his side over the summer and into the fall if he stays in the race.

The Rock says he won't support Biden this year

Dwayne The Rock Johnson, who supported Biden in 2020, said Fox News in April, he will not repeat his support.

“Am I satisfied with the state of the United States right now? Well, that answers the question 'no.' Do I believe it's going to get better? I think I'm an optimistic man. And I believe we can do better,” he said.

Johnson said he gave his public support during the last presidential election because he wanted to be a positive influence, but this time he wants to bring this country together and keep his politics to himself. Political groups have reportedly contacted Johnson to ask if he would run for president.

“It was a big deal, and it came out of nowhere,” he said. “It was all very surreal because that was never my goal. My goal was never to get into politics. In fact, there are a lot of things about politics that I hate.”

Cardi B said she felt betrayed by the Biden administration

Rapper Cardi B, like Johnson, has been politically active in previous election cycles. She and Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont Democrat, sat down to discuss her 2020 presidential run in an 11-minute video. When Biden became the Democratic nominee, Cardi B endorsed him.

But in May, the rapper announced she would not run in the next election. She said rolling stone She feels betrayed by the Biden administration.

Eric Schultz, a former deputy White House press secretary during the Obama administration, told the Deseret News: “Celebrities are real people, too.”

For most people, politics isn't top of mind until we get closer to the election, Schultz said. He is a senior advisor to Obama and is credited as a consultant for the four-season HBO drama series, Succession.

I anticipate that as we approach November, more and more members of the creative community will become increasingly active in the election campaign, he said.

Nierman agreed that support likely won't start pouring in until the Democratic convention in late August, and until Biden is confirmed to be the candidate to take on Trump.

Obama helps Biden with Hollywood backers

At the Biden campaign fundraiser on June 16, former President Barack Obama took a central role. Obama is clearly interested in helping Biden win a second term and has been willing to be the campaign's top surrogate, including after Biden's recent poor performance in his debate with Trump when Obama taken to X to defend the president.

The fundraiser's host, late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, joked about the toilet paper shortage in the United States during the pandemic that coincided with the Trump administration. For example, he promised to make America great again and the next thing you know, we're wiping ourselves with envelopes, he said.

Obama joked: “Is that how you handled it, Jimmy?”

At another celebrity fundraiser in March, Obama, Biden and former President Bill Clinton sat down with late-night talk show host and host Stephen Colbert, NBC News reported. reported. Earlier in the day, the presidential trio was hosted on the SmartLess podcast, hosted by a group of actors and comedians. Both conversations were lively, with each singing Biden's praises. “That's the kind of president I want,” Clinton said onstage at Radio City Music Hall.

Mindy Kaling, Ben Platt, Lizzo and Stephen Colbert were among the 5,000 guests.

The Los Angeles fundraiser raised $25 million, at least $5 million more than the event in the Big Apple. Biden and Obama were a power duo, but the charm wore off as videos from the end of the event circulated on social media, scrutinizing Biden's physical and mental abilities.

Biden stood frozen on stage for about seven seconds and began walking after Obama placed his hand on Biden's back. Poll after poll shows Americans are concerned about concerns about Biden's age, which will likely intensify after Biden's debate performance.

A White House spokesperson pushed back, calling the viral videos cheap fakes created in bad faith, as the Associated Press reported. reported.

Nierman said the contrast between Biden and Obama is clear, and Hollywood sees it. Biden is an octogenarian white man who has clearly seen his abilities diminish. Whereas when Obama was the heir apparent of the Democratic Party, he was young. He was cool. He was in touch with popular culture. He was articulate, he was dynamic, Nierman said.

I think the Hollywood left is just not excited about Biden…even though he's a sitting president, he added.

Still, Biden enjoys greater support from the film and television industry than Trump, who has so far attracted the backing of only a few celebrities, including rapper-turned-country musician Kid Rock, Frasier star Kelsey Grammer and rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West.

Neither Trump nor Biden have so far managed to convince America's most popular artists, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift.

A Suffolk University/USA Today National Poll of registered voters found that about 3% of voters would be swayed by the support of the two singers. A majority of voters said they would not be swayed. Swift and Beyonce supported Biden in 2020. Together, the two have 602 million followers on Instagram, a social media app that both artists usually use.

Celebrities can have a huge reach, but their political activity must be strategic, intentional and targeted, and accompanied by specific calls to action, said Schultz, the Obama senior adviser. There are a few dos and don’ts of political engagement, but the key for anyone looking to make a difference will be figuring out how to use their own platform to help move the needle, rather than just shouting into the void.

Fortunately for Biden, he has many stars on his side. Late night show hosts Colbert and Kimmel encouraged fundraiser attendees to open their wallets with their jokes.

As acclaimed director Steven Spielberg works hard to make the Democratic National Convention, scheduled for August, will be a success, his friend Jeffrey Katzenberg, Hollywood mogul known for The Lion King and Shrek, is co-chairing Biden's campaign. He was the chief organizer of the glitzy Los Angeles fundraiser and a confidant to Biden, Obama and Clinton. Robert De Niro, of The Deer Hunter and Goodfellas, also lent his voice to an anti-Trump ad.




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