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Hollywood puts climate stories and solutions center stage

Hollywood puts climate stories and solutions center stage


(Bloomberg) — In a one-on-one conversation about climate change, U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm talked about scaling up clean energy production. But her counterpart wasn’t a policy wonk; it was Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins.

It was an unusual duo at the Hollywood Climate Summit, bringing together a Washington Power actor and the director of a film that IMDB estimates has grossed more than $824 million. The four-day event this week highlighted how the entertainment industry can tell better climate stories while addressing sustainability on set.

We need help, Granholm told a group of entertainment industry workers, calling for help to accurately depict climate change and tell more stories focused on the energy transition. This would help the public better understand what the future might look like.

The event's programming also included film screenings and a variety of plant-based snacks, including eggless eggs and carrot-based smoked salmon. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences served as a backdrop for environmental discussions.

This is the only climate event where you have a conversation about climate and then you get a headshot, said comedian Esteban Gast, one of the summit hosts.

Lee Isaac Chung, the director behind the soon-to-be-released Twisters, said the follow-up film would serve as a more scientifically accurate portrait of storm chasing, a field that has also faced heavy criticism for its unnecessary pursuit of danger . The film will also show the effects of natural disasters on a level that films generally don't depict, he added.

We had a chance to talk about what small-town people face, Chung said, noting his own experiences growing up in Arkansas. The United States, home to the majority of the world's tornadoes, has seen an increase in the number of days with high tornado activity, a trend that may be due in part to climate change.

Accurately describing the impacts of climate change and the energy transition poses a major challenge for Hollywood. But so is reducing emissions from the entertainment industry. The Producers Guild of America has issued a call to action in 2021 on the need to combat sporadic and grossly inadequate sustainability efforts on film sets.

The average movie production emits about 33 tons of carbon per day, according to a 2021 report from a group that includes Netflix Inc., Walt Disney Co. and Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., among other film industry giants. That’s more than seven times what the average U.S. vehicle emits each year.

Although introducing sustainability on set may seem intimidating, Max Schwartz and Allison Elvove, members of the International Alliance of Theater Stage Employees, said sustainable alternatives for production equipment have grown significantly in the over the past year, including innovations such as renewable diesel and electric generators with enough power to power portions. of the filming process. Electric vehicles and other everyday solutions could further reduce the industry's carbon footprint.

If producing shows is a challenge that Hollywood will have to address, an even bigger challenge is the climate pollution associated with streaming. This represents the vast majority of shows in the entertainment industry. Reducing these emissions is an ongoing battle for businesses. But despite the slow progress, Granholm stressed the importance of continuing to work toward reducing carbon emissions across all facets of the industry and the rest of the economy.

May we all bear the scars of the greatest fight, she said.

2024 Bloomberg LP




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