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Eric Dane Explains Why He Was 'Probably Fired' From 'Grey's Anatomy'

Eric Dane Explains Why He Was 'Probably Fired' From 'Grey's Anatomy'


Eric Dane Openly Speaks About His Exclusion Grey's Anatomy after six seasons playing the role of Dr. Mark Sloan, aka McSteamy, on the hit ABC series. (Spoilers ahead!)

The actor's role was introduced at the end of season two as a guest star. He became a regular character in season three after receiving positive feedback for his first appearance. In later seasons, Sloan became a fan-favorite character, but after a plane crash in the season eight finale, it was revealed that he would succumb to his injuries and die at the beginning of season nine.

Dane returned to the series briefly in season 17 when Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) was in a COVID-induced coma and was visited on an imaginary beach by Sloan, her sister Lexie Gray (Chyler Leigh), her husband Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey), George O.' Malley (TR Knight) and Andrew DeLuca (Giacomo Gianniotti).

THE Euphoria actor arrested by Dax Shepard Podcast on the armchair earlier this week, where he revealed he hadn't exactly chosen to leave Grey's Anatomy when he was struck off.

“I think I was let go,” he told the host, explaining that he was struggling with addiction at the time. “They didn't let me go because of that, although it certainly didn't help. I was starting to become, like most of these actors who've spent a lot of time on a show, very expensive to the network. And the network knows that the show's going to do what it's going to do, no matter who's on it. As long as they've got their Grey, they're all good.”

He continued: “I wasn’t the same guy they hired. So I understood when I was released. And Shonda [Rhimes] it was really great. She fiercely protected us. She protected us publicly. She protected us privately. …But I probably got fired. It wasn't ceremoniously, “You're fired,” it was simply, “You're not coming back.”

At the height of his fame, when he GrayDane checked into rehab for a painkiller addiction and struggled with depression over the years. He explained that when he joined the show, he had been sober for three or four years, so he was able to tell the difference between what was real and what wasn't, but overall, he doesn't think he handled the fame that came with it very well.

“If you take the whole eight years Grey's Anatomy“I was in trouble longer than I was sober. And that’s when things started to go wrong for me,” he revealed, adding that the sudden popularity may have played a role in his relapse. “It was upsetting, and I think I just wanted to pretend that it wasn't the case and that I was comfortable with it. Act like you've been there before, but you haven't been there. »

Dane currently plays Cal Jacobs in Euphoriathe father of Nate Jacobs (Jacob Elordi) and one of the few adult characters on the show. He also just had a major role in Bad Boy: Ride or Dieplaying McGrath, alongside Will Smith's Mike Lowery and Martin Lawrence's Marcus Burnett.




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