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Won't You Be My Neighbor? Two Charming Hollywood Heights Cottages


Hollywood Heights Chalets
We love having a porch in Hollywood Heights, and both of these houses have these front porches where you can stop and chat for a while, which is one of the many things that makes our neighborhood so friendly.

Most of our readers know by now that I live in Hollywood Heights and love my neighborhood. Homes don’t come up for sale here very often, and when they do, they usually fly off the market. My most recent one received four offers right after it went on the market.

But it's summer and a lot of people are out of town, which means you have a better chance of snagging one of these super cute Hollywood Heights cottages. They are both within two blocks of me. This means you know you have a good neighbor nearby, and one with all the dirt!

Cottages in Hollywood Heights
With 1,712 square feet, three bedrooms and two bathrooms, 405 Clermont Ave., built in 1936, is move-in ready.

I walk my trio of dogs past each of these homes every night and have enjoyed watching their exteriors transform over the years. It’s exciting to finally get a peek inside. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t know all the neighbors and I haven’t visited every house yet! But of course, if you have a dog, I know your dog.

Each of these Hollywood Heights cottages has something special to offer. The one at 405 Clermont is best described as a colonial-influenced brick cottage. It costs $100,000 more than the adorable stone and brick cottage at 526 Cordova St. That's because it has one more bedroom, 330 more square feet and one bathroom renovated.

This Hollywood Heights cottage is truly picture perfect. The kitchen was remodeled with professional Thermador appliances, custom cabinetry, quartzite countertops, and a sonic ice maker. When the home was renovated in 2016 with a redesigned master bedroom addition and the aforementioned rocking bathroom, things took it to the next level. It’s certainly an Instagram-worthy bathroom with custom cabinetry, marble floors, quartz countertops, and a spectacular vessel tub. The bedroom opens to the back patio through French doors, and you can imagine, on cooler days, having your morning coffee here after stepping out of that gorgeous tub.

Dave Perry Miller's listing agent, Laurie Mcguire, has 405 Clermont Avenue. available for $799,999.

Hollywood Heights 526 Cordova Street9

Cottages in Hollywood Heights

We will miss the very good dog Buster, who resided at 526 Cordova Street. My pack is hoping for a buyer with at least one puppy with whom we can have in-depth discussions. This is a perfect home for dogs because not only does this cottage have 1,382 square feet, two bedrooms and two bathrooms, but it also has a garage with a fenced-in yard space separate from the main yard. Buster used to chat with us from the garage landing and then run along the fence, showing off his athletic skills when he was allowed into the main yard.

Hollywood Heights Cottages

This Cordova cottage sits on a corner lot, allowing you to socialize with neighbors on both sides. What’s always cool about renovated Hollywood Heights homes is how different owners have reconfigured their floor plans, opening them up to create great flow and sight lines throughout the home. The renovated kitchen opens directly onto a spacious back porch where I spent all my time when it wasn’t a thousand degrees outside.

Courtney Robbins of Regal Realtors has 526 Cordova Street. available for $699,999.

If you haven't read my many missives about Hollywood Heights, I'm shocked, but I'll go over the attributes one more time.

This is the kind of neighborhood where street parties and email chains for your street are a given. We host legendary Halloween and Christmas events that even the late Kinky Friedman attended.

When there is a storm and trees are down, it is never surprising to see neighbors with chainsaws, going door to door to see if they can help, and in the afternoon, there are neat piles on the sidewalk. If your power grid goes down and your neighbor is on another grid, you'll see huge extension cords crossing the street for people to plug in.

Lindsley Park is a neighborhood gem. Every kid in the neighborhood, including mine, grew up playing on the giant tree there. The Santa Fe Trail is just down the street from these two adorable Hollywood Heights cottages. White Rock Lake is nearby, and if you're a biker, you can easily get to the YMCA or Lakewood Country Club.

This is also a conservation district, so the gentle density called for by the folks at City Hall won't happen here. That alone is a huge selling point. Come here. You'll love it!




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