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Supernumerary nipples: understanding their origin and meaning

Supernumerary nipples: understanding their origin and meaning


People can be born with extra or supernumerary nipples (SNN). Each of us goes through a remarkable metamorphosis as an embryo. Breast development at this time is as fascinating as during puberty, but for different reasons.

Between the fourth and fifth week of the embryonic stage, two thick, parallel ridges called mammary lines or milk lines emerge from the side of your belly, just like in other mammals. They extend from what will become your armpits to what will become your groin. When a human embryo forms its parts and becomes a fetus, these mammary lines disappear during the transformation, leaving only the standard pair of breasts, male or female.

But between 0.2 and 6% of people retain enough tissue to form a SNN in their breast lines. The SNN can be simply a rudimentary nipple that is often mistaken for a birthmark on the chest or belly. It can also become a breast bud, and very rarely a fully formed breast.

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A 1980 New York University paper reported (with photos) on a 74-year-old man who had had a well-formed chest on the back of his thigh for most of his life. He had no problem with it. In the last century, a woman would have breastfed her children with the breast on the outside of her left thigh!

Comparing our anatomy and variation to that of other mammalian species, it is easy to see how our embryonic development traces evolutionary history in many ways. My college biology professor, Dr. Johnson, was fond of saying: Ontogenesis (on-TAH-gen-ee) recapitulates phylogeny (fi-LAH-gen-ee), or, the embryonic stages of individuals go through the many developmental changes that the species (phylum, tribe) has undergone over time.

There are no specific medical problems linked to NNS, such as breast cancer, etc. If breast tissue exists, it may be affected like normal breast tissue during pregnancy or menstruation. An SNN may be removed if it is a functional or psychological problem. It is not known whether there are any abnormalities in kidney development related to this problem, but this is probably not the case.

Extra nipples or breasts are interesting because they are part of the way we were and are made. Their presence should not produce paranoia about change. So you don't have to feel like an idiot if you aren't kept up to date on this topic.

Dr. Frank Bures, a semi-retired dermatologist, has worked in Winona, La Crosse, Viroqua and Red Wing since 1978. He also plays clarinet in the Winona Municipal Band and a few Dixieland bands.




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