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Delhi siblings saved Bollywood style

Delhi siblings saved Bollywood style


Two siblings, aged three and eleven, kidnapped from Laxmi Nagar on Saturday by a man posing as a parking attendant, were rescued after a dramatic three-hour car chase by Delhi Police straight out from a Bollywood thriller. The daring rescue unfolded as police chased the suspect through the city, ultimately rescuing the children.

The suspect, who demanded a whopping ransom of Rs 50 lakh from the parents, had abducted the children on Friday night after briefly leaving them in a vehicle while they entered a nearby sweet shop. Little did they know that their mission would end in the abduction of their children.

According to police, the chase involving around twenty police vehicles ended with the kidnapper abandoning the car with the children inside before fleeing. The vehicle was eventually found abandoned in Samaypur Badli area after a relentless chase spanning around 100 to 150 kilometers.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (East) Apurva Gupta said they received information about the kidnapping at 11:30 p.m. on Friday. The children's father informed the police that they were sitting in the car outside Hira Sweets shop on Vikas Marg in Shakarpur area.

While the parents were inside buying candy, a man posing as a parking attendant entered the vehicle and drove off with the children.

The accused told the children that their parents had asked him to park the car, but he quickly fled. He intimidated the girl by brandishing a hammer and ordering her to remain silent. While driving, he called the couple from another mobile phone and demanded a hefty ransom of Rs 50 lakhs.

After receiving the kidnapping report, police quickly mobilized rescue teams, forming two units to track down the suspect and recover the children.

One team, led by the Station House Officer (SHO) of Shakarpur police station, accompanied the children's mother, while another team, led by the SHO of Laxmi Nagar police station, included their father. With advanced technical monitoring, the two teams took their research in different directions. Additional teams from the Special Staff and neighboring districts were also mobilized to assist in the search.

The DCP said the valuables including jewellery and mobile phones left in the car were found intact as the kidnapper did not have time to steal anything while he was being relentlessly chased.

Gupta lauded the prompt and efficient assistance of police teams from other districts, particularly the Outer North district and the Railway Protection Force (RPF), whose swift actions were crucial for the success of the operation. Efforts to apprehend the accused are on, with dedicated teams formed to ensure his capture.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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