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How Bollywood Celebrities Like Raveena Tandon Are Targeted By Bandras Organised Gangs

How Bollywood Celebrities Like Raveena Tandon Are Targeted By Bandras Organised Gangs


Recently, a video featuring actress and activist Raveena Tandon went viral, with heated debates raging over an incident involving her car, her driver and herself. An enraged group was seen shouting aggressively at the camera, accusing Raveena and her driver of reckless driving, which resulted in injuries to a few women. Raveena can be seen telling the mob not to hit anyone, as they try to force their way past the gatekeeper and rush into her compound. Initial media reports were misleading. Did she do it or not? Was her driver at fault? Were innocent bystanders near her gate injured due to negligent driving? Social media was quick to judge and condemn the star, with some going as far as to claim that both she and the driver were drunk at the time.

The timely arrival of the police and a close examination of the CCTV footage made it clear that Raveena's car had not hit the women. No one was injured, least of all an elderly lady. But until the police arrived, examined the footage, met the crowd and clarified that it was a false and frivolous complaint, it was complete chaos. Since no FIR had been filed, the beleaguered star could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

What if her innocence had not been so clearly established? What if the mob had managed to get its hands on the driver? Or what if Raveena herself had failed to keep her calm? These were the questions that preoccupied me when I met her for dinner at a mutual friend’s house. Raveena recounted the horror of that night in detail. And by all accounts, it seems that there is a well-organised gang operating in tony Bandra, where so many Bollywood stars call home. Consider the pattern. The gang meticulously stakes out targets, observes the stars’ calendars, keeps an eye on the stars’ outings and waits for the right opportunity, preferably at night when there are not too many passers-by in the dimly lit, tree-lined lanes. This is a serious safety issue, given the number of celebrity toddlers and older children who are often spotted heading to a nearby park or store accompanied by nannies.

Once the police gave her the all clear, Raveena was shocked to see a video tweeted by a man called Mohsin Shaikh, who accused her of road rage and said that the Padma Shri actor, who won a national award, was drunk. Raveena filed a Rs 100 million defamation suit against him for damaging her reputation. Extortion is usually the motive, as well as the desire to obtain cheap publicity. Celebrities and their children are vulnerable targets. Hiring bodyguards is just one option, living in constant insecurity is the biggest concern. A better font could solve the problem. However, if what Raveena says is correct, organized gangs have set up shop in the upscale Bandra district with the sole aim of intimidating, assaulting and blackmailing cinema people.

One of the ladies present advised Raveena to apply for a gun license. I disagreed completely. Mumbai is not Los Angeles. Bandra is not Beverly Hills. The gun culture in America has claimed the lives of countless innocent people. Guns create more problems than they solve. Raveena had the courage to confront the stalkers, risking her life. Another woman may have gotten scared and handed over the innocent driver to the mafia. We live in times like these. Deliberately distorting an incident has led to emotional trauma for Raveena, her four children, her husband and her staff. Thankfully, she was honourably exonerated. Others may not be so lucky.

@DeShobhaa @shobhaade




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