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Today in Entertainment History: Kiss Comic Book Release | Ap

Today in Entertainment History: Kiss Comic Book Release |  Ap


In 1975, musicians Cher and Gregg Allman married. The marriage lasted 10 days.

In 1976, police raided the home of singer Neil Diamond. They didn't find enough marijuana for an arrest, but Diamond gave them copies of his new album, Beautiful Noise.

In 1977, Marvel Comics published a comic book based on the members of the rock band Kiss. ​​The band members contributed their blood to the ink used in the books.

In 1978, Sex Pistols singer Sid Vicious released his version of My Way.

In 1981, singer Jerry Lee Lewis was hospitalized in Memphis because of a stomach ulcer. After two operations, doctors gave him less than a 50% chance of recovery. After a few months he was back on his feet.

In 1985, actor Yul Brynner last played the role of the King of Siam in The King and I. He performed the show intermittently for 34 years and over 4,500 performances.

In 1992, actor Tom Hanks received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He showed up to the ceremony with some of his co-stars from the film A League Of Their Own.

In 1994, Stone Gossard and Jeff Ament of Pearl Jam testified before a Congressional hearing regarding rising concert ticket prices.

In 1995, country singer Garth Brooks received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

In 2000, eight people were trampled and crushed to death and 43 injured at the Roskilde (rahs-KIHL-deh) festival in Denmark. The crowd rushed to the main stage where Pearl Jam was playing.

In 2019, rapper ASAP Rocky and two bodyguards were involved in a fight with a man in Stockholm, Sweden. Rocky was later arrested and President Donald Trump intervened with the Swedish government on his behalf. Rocky was convicted of assault and received a suspended sentence.

In 2021, actor and comedian Bill Cosby was released from prison after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his sexual assault conviction. He had served nearly three years of a three- to 10-year prison sentence.

Birthdays of the day: Actress Nancy Dussault (doo-SOH) (Too Close For Comfort) is 88 years old. Singer Glenn Shorrock (Little River Band) is 80 years old. Jazz bassist Stanley Clarke is 73 years old. Actor David Garrison (Married…with Children) is 72 years old. Dire Straits guitarist Hal Lindes is 71 years old. Actor David Alan Grier is 68 years old. Actor Vincent DOnofrio (duh-NAH-free-oh) is 65 years old. Actress Deirdre Lovejoy (The Wire) is 62 years old. Actor Rupert Graves (The Madness of King George) is 61 years old. Bassist Tom Drummond of Better Than Ezra is 55 years old. Actor Tony Rock (Living Biblically) is 55 years old. Actress Monica Potter (Parenthood, Boston Legal) is 53 years old. Actress Molly Parker (House of Cards) is 52 years old. Actress Lizzy Caplan (Masters of Sex, Mean Girls) is 42 years old. Guitarist James Adam Shelley of American Authors is 41 years old. Country singer Cole Swindell (swin-DEL) is 41 years old. Singer and American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino is 40 years old. Actor Sean Marquette (The Goldbergs) is 36 years old.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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