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Big B and Aamir join Bollywood to salute the India-Telangana Today team

Big B and Aamir join Bollywood to salute the India-Telangana Today team


Amitabh Bachchan expressed the nation's sentiment on X with a heartfelt comment: “Tears are flowing… in unison with those shed by TEAM INDIA… World Champions India… Jai Hind, Jai Hind, Jai Hind.

Updated on – June 30, 2024, 12:58

'Tears flow': Big B and Aamir join Bollywood to salute the Indian team

New Delhi: The celebratory reactions continued to pour in from Bollywood stars well after the Indian team retired to their dressing room following the historic T20 World Cup win at the Kensington Oval in Barbados on Saturday evening.

Amitabh Bachchan, writing on X, said it for the nation with his one-sentence comment: “Tears are flowing… in unison with those shed by TEAM INDIA… the Indian world champions… Jai Hind, Jai Hind, Jai Hind.

Aamir Khan, smiling from ear to ear, posted a video on X with this congratulatory message which ended with a thumbs up sign: “Congratulations Team India! What a great match! I loved. Thank you for this good cricket. You really make us proud. Lots of love.”

Anushka Sharma, the Bollywood actress now better known as Mrs Virat Kohli, posted a sweet personal experience on Instagram: “Our daughter’s biggest concern was whether all the players had someone to hug them after seeing them cry on TV. … Yes, my dear… they were hugged by 1.5 billion people. What a phenomenal win and legendary achievement.”

Malayalam superstar Mammootty said it all when he posted on X: “What a night, what a comeback!! India – world champions again. Congratulations to the whole team! »

Manoj Bajpayee, in an Instagram post with a photo of Kohli reacting to the victory on the field, commented: “Kya zabardast jeet hai. Lahra does tiranga. I am so proud of our boys for this phenomenal victory.

In a long message dedicated to the victory, Ranveer Singh began by saluting coach Rahul Dravid. “What a way to win.” Everything was lost. And then… the response. What a fitting tribute to one of Indian cricket's greatest champions. Rahul 'The Wall' Dravid. »

Ranveer mentioned each team member who contributed to this great moment: “The KING drops anchor… What a way to cap off an incredible career. @viratkohli BAPU with the clutch combinations @aksharpatel BUMRAH… cemented as the greatest Indian point guard of all time @jaspritb1… SKY with one of the most iconic outfield catches in sports history… frame that @ surya_14kumar… ARSHDEEP the lion heart fought like a warrior @_arshdeep.singh__ HARDIK .. The Ultimate Redemption… what a story arc! Heroic! @hardikpandya83

Kiara Advani exclaimed in an emoji-filled post: “What a fantastic final and tournament. Directed brilliantly by @rohitsharma45, a spectacular performance from all players and @jaspritb1 are you really real? @virat.kohli your speech today… heart so full to see @rahuldravidofficial win as a coach!! Team Indiaaaaa brings the ball home! »

Vijay Verma, who will soon be seen in 'Mirzapur 3', said: “It's a great day for all of us. What a brilliant tournament that ended with this overwhelming collective joy. The boys played well. The Wali 2011 is feeling great.”




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