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WGA honcho Ellen Stutzman is the sword that protects Hollywood's pens

WGA honcho Ellen Stutzman is the sword that protects Hollywood's pens


Just two months before Hollywood screenwriters staged their first strike in more than a decade, longtime collaborator Ellen Stutzman stepped up to the plate and assumed a role she had unknowingly prepared for her entire career: chief negotiator for the Writers Guild of America.

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As such, she would represent the interests of 11,500 film and television screenwriters, many of whom believed their profession was threatened by the growth of the streaming business model. They were counting on her to stand up to powerful studios and streamers. And she had big shoes to fill, replacing notorious drug dealer David Young, who had suddenly taken medical leave.

How did that happen ?

Stutzman and the WGA Negotiating Committee reached a historic agreement with entertainment companies to end the writers' strike after 148 days of bitter struggle, guaranteeing wage increases and residuals, minimum staffing requirements in television writers' rooms, a first-of-its-kind bonus system based on the success of streaming shows and protections against the use of artificial intelligence.

Ellen Stutzman

Studio executives insisted that many of these problems were off the table when the WGA went on strike in May.

What I felt I did well was manage the stress, said Stutzman, 42. And I did that by always reminding myself of what the task was. … Our members had told us that there had been changes in the business world that were challenging this profession.

Stutzman was no novice. After graduating from Cornell University, she joined the WGA West in 2006 as a research analyst, revered by her colleagues for her keen intellect and deep understanding of the issues affecting the guild’s membership. In 2018, she was promoted to deputy executive director of the WGA West, leading the union’s agencies, contracts, legal, research and public policy sectors.

Following the success of the strike, Stutzman was recently selected to succeed Young once again as executive director of WGA West. In a November memo to members, the union’s board of directors praised Stutzman for her critical leadership during the writers’ strike, as well as the key strategic role she played in the WGA’s 2019 fight against major Hollywood talent agencies over controversial business practices like packaging fees.

And her fights aren't over. Her overall goal for the months and years ahead? It's simply to make sure this union remains the fighting organization it's proven to be, she said.




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