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Formula E racers in Portland; Hollywood stars too

Formula E racers in Portland;  Hollywood stars too


Second year for Formula E drivers in Portland

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — For the second time, Formula E racers zoomed into Portland International Raceway as part of the World Championship Series. And this time, Hollywood stars were there to watch.

It is the only American stop on the program for the current season.

  • Cars on track for the Formula E event at Portland International Raceway, June 29, 2024 (KOIN)
  • Cars on track for the Formula E event at Portland International Raceway, June 29, 2024 (KOIN)
  • Formula E event at Portland International Raceway, June 29, 2024 (KOIN)
  • Driving video games were part of the fan experience at the Formula E event at Portland International Raceway, June 29, 2024 (KOIN)
  • Formula E co-founder Alberto Longo at Portland International Raceway on June 29, 2024 (KOIN)
  • Formula E drivers during Round 13 of the World Championship programme at Portland International Raceway on 28 June 2024 (Formula E)
  • Formula E drivers during Round 13 of the World Championship at Portland International Raceway on June 28, 2024 (Formula E)
  • Formula E drivers during Round 13 of the World Championship at Portland International Raceway on June 28, 2024 (Formula E)
  • Formula E drivers during Round 13 of the World Championship programme at Portland International Raceway on June 28, 2024 (Formula E)
  • Formula E drivers are ready for the 13th round of the world championship at Portland International Raceway on June 28, 2024 (Formula E)

Formula E co-founder and championship director Alberto Longo told KOIN 6 News he loves the energy Portlanders bring to the event. Formula E drivers are single-seaters reaching speeds of 200 mph in electric machines.

“People are going to see action, passing, spectacular things on the track,” Longo said. “But off the track, we have a fan village full of activities for people of all ages.”

Thrilling finale

António Flix da Costa won in this event, the 13th round of the Formula E World Championship. Current leader Nick Cassidy lost the lead one lap from the finish, taking too many edges in a corner and exiting the track on the grass.

Not only did it cost Cassidy the race, but he fell all the way to 19th place.

Da Costa has now won three of the last four races, including two in a row.

Officials said the average speed of 94.474 mph made it the fastest in Formula E history.

After the race, da Costa said in a statement: “I’m obviously super happy. We knew what kind of race we were going to have, and everyone is getting really good at it. The race was never flat out, because everyone was trying so hard to be up front that it’s hard to build up a gap and then be flat out. I’ve been on the other side of the coin on this one, so yeah, just a good run-up to be honest. I’m just really happy with how it’s going.”

Hollywood stars watched the race

Brie Larson and the “Fast and Furious” star Sung Kang were among those watching the Formula E race at PIR on Saturday.

Before the race, Larson took a spin in a Nissan Leaf Mismo RC and finished the race waving the checkered flag.

Tickets are still available for literally electric action on Sunday, with live music, food and activities for fans too.




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