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From Alia Bhatt to Kiara Advani, Bollywood celebrates India's T20 World Cup victory

From Alia Bhatt to Kiara Advani, Bollywood celebrates India's T20 World Cup victory


From Alia Bhatt to Kiara Advani, Bollywood celebrates India's T20 World Cup victory

The image was shared on Instagram. (courtesy: aliaabhatt)

Congratulations to the Indian champion team. The Rohit Sharma-led team lifted the ICC Men's T20 World Cup trophy on Saturday. The team literally snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. India beat South Africa by seven runs to bring the trophy home after 11 years. Fans, including our favorite stars, celebrated the special moment in style. From Ranveer Singh to Vicky Kaushal, celebrities have shared their raw emotions on social media. Ranveer uploaded not one, not two, but five posts. First, the actor shared a video of himself dancing in front of the screen. On the screen, we could see the Indian team lifting the trophy.

Next, Ranveer Singh paid tribute to Hardik Pandya, who won the nervy finale of the innings and led the Indian team to victory. Some respect to his name, Ranveer said in the video. In the caption, he wrote: My boy Hardik Pandya has been redeemed.

French Next, Ranveer Singh shared a detailed note to congratulate his favorite players. For Virat Kohli, who announced his retirement from T20 cricket after the match, Ranveer wrote: The king dropping the ANCHOR, what a way to cap off an incredible career! Virat Kohli. For Akshar Patel, he added, BAPU with clutch contributions Akshar Patel. BUMRAH…cemented as the greatest Indian beat of all time Jasprit Bumrah, Ranveer has written for Jasprit Bumrah. Appreciating Suryakumar Yadav, Ranveer mentioned, SKY with one of the most iconic outfield catches in sports history, frame that! Suryakumar Yadav. ARSHDEEP the lionheart fought like a warrior! Arshdeep Singh, Ranveer said while praising Arshdeep Singh. For the ultimate'' Hardik Pandya, Ranveer quipped, HARDIK – The ultimate redemption what a story arc! Heroic! Hardik Pandya.

Ranveer Singh also shared a sweet message for Indian cricket coach Rahul Dravid. He wrote, “What a way to win. All was almost lost. And then… the fightback.” What a fitting tribute to one of the greatest champions of Indian cricket! RAHUL “The Wall” Dravid.

Finally, Ranveer Singh uploaded a picture of Indian captain Rohit Sharma. The accompanying message read: & for the guyNo words, just pure emotion.

Varun Dhawan shared two pictures on Instagram. In the first picture, Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli are seen posing with the trophy. Then, Varun shared a collage of the happy moment when Rohit hugged Hardik Pandya. In the caption, Varun wrote: INDIA What a team, what a performance Rohit Sharma leading from the front in every game Virat Kohli the #goat playing his last 20 t for India, bringing so much joy to all Indians. Rahul Dravid has always been one of my favourite players and now to see him win a World Cup as a coach is perfect. India is the mother of JAI.

Thanking Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma for their firepower, Sidharth Malhotra said: What a performance, #TeamIndia! Rohit Sharma's leadership, Virat Kohli's firepower and Jasprit Bumrah's magical spells made this victory epic! Historic team, unforgettable victory! Celebrating with my family in Delhi makes this holiday even more special!

Vicky Kaushal couldn't keep his cool after this great win. He posted a picture of himself sitting in front of the TV and cheering for the team.

Celebrating the historic victory, Kartik Aaryan said, Team India, who refused to surrender. Today the world cup won my heart forever, HISTORIC VICTORY OF THE INDIAN TEAM.

Ayushmann Khurrana posted a video of himself, wearing a Team India jersey, and wrote, “Tears of joy! It's a big 140 crore group hug! What a game ! What a gang! This Indian team has given joy to billions of Indians. We are the world champions! The superpower of cricket! Our generation is the luckiest to see India emerge victorious in the World Cup three times since 2007. Twice in T20s and once in ODIs. By learning the lessons of the last ODI World Cup final, here we are as true winners! » I have Hind!

Kiara Advani shared an elaborate note along with pictures of the Indian cricket team. She wrote: Wooohoooo !!!!!! Congratulations to the Indian team. What a fantastic final and tournament. Lead brilliantly under the leadership of Rohit Sharma, spectacular performances by all the players and Jasprit Bumrah, are you really real? Virat Kohli, your speech today, my heart so full to see Rahul Dravid win as a coach!! Team India brought the ball home.

Here's how Sharvari Wagh celebrated T20 World Cup 2024 in India.

Kajol spoke for everyone when she said: I'm still screaming and I can't get rid of the smile. So happy and so proud! So many heroes that played in this match were truly a team effort! #world champions.

In her note, shared on Instagram Stories, Sushmita Sen congratulated the Indian team, writing, “What a team!!! So proud Tears of joy!!!! #worldchampions #t20worldcup INDIAAAAA.” For the opposing team, Sushmita said, “Well done #southafrica.”

Actress Athiya Shetty, wife of Indian cricketer KL Rahul, shared a series of pictures on Instagram after the Indian team won the trophy. FYI: KL Rahul did not play in this tournament.

Pulkit Samrat uploaded a photo of Virat Kohli on Instagram Stories. Jeeeeeee Gayeeee Worlddddddd Cupppppp!! What a game!! What a game !! So well won!! So deserved!! #t20worldcupfinal, read the side note.

Juhi Chawla, proud co-owner of IPL 2024 winning team Kolkata Knight Riders, said the 11-year wait is finally over.

Suniel Shetty posted a video on Instagram along with a detailed note. For Suryakumar Yadav's catch at the boundary line, Suniel Shetty wrote: Whatta Catchh!!! What a match.

He added, “CHAMPIONS AGAIN! The T20 World Cup is coming home, and who else but Captain Rohit Sharma is rightfully lifting the trophy! A big shout out to Virat, the master of the great game, and Boom Boom, our unstoppable spearhead. What a beauty! Hardik, who etched redemption into history. The bowlers dominated throughout the match. Team India – you made 1.4 billion hearts swell with pride. Last but not least, a shout out to coach Rahul Dravid, who finished in style! CHAMPIONS today, LEGENDS forever.” SHARMAJI'S SON (Rohit Sharma)…THE SON OF AB COUNTRY!

Congratulations to the Indian team.




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