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“Quiet Place Day One” and “Inside Out 2” trample “Horizon”

“Quiet Place Day One” and “Inside Out 2” trample “Horizon”


Paramount's prequel A quiet place: first day is in a tighter race than expected with Pixar's reigning champ Vice-Versa 2 for the weekend box office crown, while Kevin Costner's expensive western Horizon: An American Saga is left in the dust

The third A silent place The film won Friday with an estimated $22.5 million, putting it on track for a franchise-best $53 million-$55 million domestic debut for a three-day number. Heading into the weekend, the sci-fi horror thriller was on pace to open to over $40 million, given that franchise creator John Krasinski didn’t direct this time around; Emily Blunt also didn’t star.

Instead, Michael Sarnoski (Pig) was brought to the bar Day one, based on a story he came up with Krasinski. Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn star in the $70 million film, which has generally positive reviews and a B+ CinemaScore, a good rating for a horror film. The 18-24 year old audience fuels the film, as well as an ethnically diverse audience. It has also invaded many premium Imax and large format screens Inside Out 2which is now in its third weekend.

The film directed by Krasinski A quiet place was a surprise box office hit of 2018, opening to $50 million despite virtually no dialogue. A Quiet Place: Part IIreleased theatrically on Memorial Day in 2021 while the box office was still in recovery mode from the pandemic, posted a four-day holiday gross of $57 million, including $47 million over the three-day weekend.

Day one continues the June box office rebound started by Bad Boys: Ride or Die and cemented by the Pixar and Disney blockbuster Inside Out 2which is set to become the first film since Barbie almost a year ago to cross the billion-dollar mark at the global box office. It's already one of the top 10 highest-grossing animated films of all time, unadjusted for inflation.

Inside Out 2 grossed about $17 million on Friday for a weekend between $55 million and $59 million.

The prospects for Kevin Costner's expensive $100 million western, Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter One It's not that good. The film grossed about $4 million on Friday for a projected $11 million opening.

Horizon is arguably the biggest curiosity factor of the weekend, given that Costner left behind a lucrative gig on Taylor Sheridan's hit series Yellow stone and invested tens of millions of his own money to make his decades-long passion project a reality with four period Western films.

HorizonThe projected $11 million opening is a worrying start for a three-hour film that cost $100 million to produce. Many box office pundits still believe the film will make its way to the American heartland, even if a B-CinemaScore and plenty of reviews won't help its cause.

Warner agreed to distribute and market the film for a fee in the United States. Costner, who promoted the film tirelessly, invested $38 million of his own money and paid most of the marketing costs, while two mystery investors also provided capital. The rest of the budget comes from the sale of foreign rights with the help of sales company K5 International, which previewed the film at the Cannes Film Festival.Horizon opens in many markets this weekend.)

Horizon: An American Saga: Chapter 2 is coming out soon, August 16, in one of the most unusual distribution systems in Hollywood history.




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