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Surbhi Jyoti says TV actors are the hardest working: Every actor should do a TV show, it's like a paid workshop | TV news


Actress Surbhi Jyoti is one of the most loved actors on television and even though she has ventured into the OTT space as well as films, Surbhi has been very happy with her medium. Recently, in an interview with, Surbhi Jyoti and Zayn Ibad Khan spoke about their views on TV actors facing problems on the sets. Surbhi also shared how she feels doing a TV show is like a paid workshop for any actor. The actress who recently starred in Disney Plus Hotstar's Gunaah series even spoke about playing strong characters on screen.

Both Surbhi and Zayn believe that television as a medium prepares you for all other platforms, they even touched on the notion of a television actor working 14-15 hours a day. Talking about it, Surbhi said, “When I started doing television, there was a very disciplined atmosphere. Qubool Hai was my very first show, we didn't shoot for more than 12 hours, now I also shoot for 12 hours. For me there was no change, I also did a film, so I worked on all platforms and there is absolutely no difference. I probably got the best from television, but for me my practice was the theater which I did in Punjab. There was no problem for me because I was probably doing what I always wanted to do, which was acting in front of a camera. »

Also Read: Qubool Hai 2.0 First Look: Karan Singh Grover and Surbhi Jyoti Recreate Asad-Zoya Magic

Unlike Surbhi, Zayn agreed that daily soap actors, especially the lead actors, sometimes have to put in extra hours. He said, “There have been times when I have had to shoot for more than 12-14 hours, so that notion is true, most television actors are forced to work for these many hours, 14 hours you have to be on the set. Television actors are the hardest working people on the planet. If you have done a television show, everything will go well for you.”

Surbhi adds, “I think every actor should take part in a TV show in their career. This is a paid workshop. Sometimes you get the script an hour before filming and you have to learn it. It's a good thing that you have this practice. In OTT series and films, you are given a well-defined script, which makes filming easier. »

Reacting to the issues some actors are facing in recent times, where they are suffering from poor working conditions and are not even paid at times, Surbhi said, “It is very serious if this is happening, it is not a sin to be professional. If you expect a certain professionalism from an actor, you should also be equally professional.”

Watch Surbhi Jyoti's interview here:

Being someone who has played strong characters on screen, be it Zoya in Qubool Hai or even her role in Naagin 3, Surbhi has in a way changed the narrative about women on Indian television. Sharing her thoughts on the same, Surbhi says, “There are so many talented people in our industry that I want to work with all of them. For me, it’s not like I’m doing a TV show, I’m less professional. I can’t change my attitude depending on the platform. Zoya became popular because she was very different from the typical TV bahus, she was a fresh air for everyone. I don’t mind working on a project where there are good actors and I have a smaller role because then I will get a chance to prove that I don’t have a role to play and I will be honest about it.”

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In her latest show Gunaah, Surbhi plays the role of Taara.




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