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From the 2000 Bollywood debut film Refugee starring Abhishek Bachchan, Kareena Kapoor's best ethnic looks

From the 2000 Bollywood debut film Refugee starring Abhishek Bachchan, Kareena Kapoor's best ethnic looks


24 Years Later, A Look At Kareena Kapoor's Best Ethnic Looks In Her Bollywood Debut Film Refugee

24 Years Later, Kareena Kapoor Channels Her Refugee Style and How

Kareena Kapoor gave all her followers a reason to party on a rainy Sunday afternoon. The actress posted a throwback video on Instagram from her debut Bollywood film Refugee to mark 24 years since its release and its debut in the industry. Crew The actress has been in the industry for almost a quarter of a decade and we can't believe it. After all, she looks like the diva she was on her first day. Or should we say that it has aged like a fine wine and is even more beautiful today than ever. The actress' post was accompanied by a heartfelt caption: “24 years of discovering myself and my characters… The best is yet to come… I love you all…”, as well as emojis in the shape of a red heart.

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Now let us take you through the handpicked looks of actress JP Dutta from the film and bring back that era of Kareena in style.

Kareena played a young Pakistani village girl from the desert region near the India-Pakistan border in the film. Her look was therefore very colorful. salwar kameez costumes, traditional dupattassilver jewelry and much more.

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One such look featured Kareena wearing a fitted brown suit with a U-neck and long sleeves along with orange pants. dupatta. THE kurta The neckline had an orange and brown detailed applique. Kareena paired it with an oxidized silver necklace and a pair of silver jewelry. jhumkas.

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Another look saw Kareena sporting a colorful blue and red print salwar kameez with a bright pink muslin dupatta when she walked through the farms in a scene in Refugee. Kareena can be seen wearing a pair of jhumkas to complete the outfit, her windswept hair being a character in its own right in the scene.

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Kareena also wore a white dupatta in the film to depict the separation anxiety from her beloved, played by Abhishek Bachchanin the film. This simple and casual look also looked fabulous on Kareena and she carried it off with an innocence like no other.

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In another look, Kareena was seen draped in a purple dress. Bandhani-inspired dupatta with a yellow border. Trust the actress to pull off this simple look captured in close-up with both serenity and style.

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Last but not the least, who can forget Kareena Kapoor waiting for Abhishek Bachchan's character in the film while perched on top of a barren tree. Here the actress wore a simple floral print ethnic suit and paired it with a white dupatta once again to symbolize his melancholy. Her hair is styled in a loose braid to showcase an effortless look.

Throughout the film, Kareena Kapoor sported minimal makeup with a touch of eyeshadow, a bit of eyeliner to define her eyes, a shade of red lipstick and above all a fresh complexion that stood out on camera as a symbol of her naive and youthful character.

Isn't Kareena Kapoor's look in her first B-town film super fresh and innocent? We couldn't agree more.

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