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How Channel Seven staff were told they would lose their jobs as Nine Entertainment employees await their fate

How Channel Seven staff were told they would lose their jobs as Nine Entertainment employees await their fate


TV insiders have made “cold” and “brutal” cuts after a week of massive staff cuts and layoffs.

The revolving door continues to open at Seven News' Brisbane studios, just days after 150 Seven West Media staff were shown the door.

In a letter to staff, veteran operations director Craig Dyer has since announced his effective resignation after more than 20 years with the network.

The news comes as Nine Entertainment also announced 200 jobs would be cut across Australia.

Mr Dyer's sudden departure follows forced layoffs at Channel 7's Mount Coot-Tha studios in Brisbane, including staff under Mr Dyer's supervision, reported The courier mail.

Among those shown the door were two camera operators, a longtime technical employee, a news producer as well as other behind-the-scenes staff.

One of the cameramen was informed of his dismissal while he was on assignment.

Halfway through filming, the cameraman was ordered to return to the station, where he was told he was being fired.

A Seven News Brisbane cameraman has been fired while on assignment. Pictured is the Channel 7 Mount Coot-Tha studios

A One Seven News Brisbane cameraman has been fired while on assignment. Pictured is the Channel 7 Mount Coot-Tha studios

Popular Brisbane weather presenter Paul Burt (pictured) has been made redundant as part of job cuts, with staff only being told about it by the media

Popular Brisbane weatherman Paul Burt (pictured) has been left out of the job cuts after staff only found out about him through the media.

Staff whose jobs were secure were informed of the cuts at a meeting on Wednesday.

An insider described the layoffs in Brisbane as “brutal” and “cold”, leaving a somber mood at the Mount Coot-Tha studios.

The insider also said that staff only heard about the firing of famed meteorologist Paul Burt through the media, which was not mentioned in internal communications.

Nine Entertainment also announced last week that 200 jobs would be cut across Australia, where worried staff are still waiting to find out if their jobs are safe.

Just 38 jobs across national television news and current affairs teams are expected to be cut, with the network's “Brisbane favourites” likely to avoid the latest round of layoffs.

The remaining job losses are expected to impact digital and head office positions.

There have been calls for top Nine Network employees to take a pay cut, including Love Island host Sophie Monk (pictured).

There have been calls for top earners at the Nine Network to take a pay cut, including Love Island host Sophie Monk (pictured).

Nine's top talent is also in the firing line – but not from channel bosses.

The announcement of the job cuts has prompted calls on social media for Nine's top employees to take a pay cut or be axed so that other jobs across the network can be saved.

Top earners include Today host Karl Stefanovic, who reportedly earns $1.5 million a year.

Love Island Australia host Sophie Monk has also come under scrutiny due to her high income, which is around $800,000 a year.




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