Jackalopes slugger Kelly Dugan is looking for his Hollywood ending | Sports

An independent baseball team's roster is a quilt, and each patch has its own story and context. Kelly Dugan's patch is a little more worn than the others.
Dugan, the son of filmmaker Dennis Dugan, was the first pick of the defending champion Philadelphia Phillies in the 2009 MLB Draft.
Fifteen years later, he's a 33-year-old designated hitter for the Grand Junction Jackalopes who enjoys every moment he can playing baseball.
“It’s been difficult to continue playing professionally,” Dugan admitted. “At one point, I was released at the end of 2018, I had (Tommy John) surgery. That was a big turning point for me, just deciding whether or not I wanted to stay dedicated to gaming, so I kept playing. »
Dugan's path to the Jackalopes was as rough as the meanest breaking ball. He made a major league team but never played in a game. He topped the list with the Lehigh IronPigs, the Phillies' Triple-A affiliate, in 2015.
Being the first overall pick of any team in the draft brings a lot of expectations from fans. But being the first overall pick of a dynasty hopeful? All eyes are on you, and Dugan was selected right out of high school.
“You learn hard lessons, you fall flat on your face and you have to make adjustments,” said Dugan, who was recruited while on set with his father for the film Grown Ups. “That was definitely the case for me after high school. I didn't do very well my first two or three years. I didn't really understand the work lifestyle, having to go to work every day and treat it as a job every day.
Dugan spent the 2016 season with the Tennessee Smokies, a Double-A affiliate of the Chicago Cubs. He played in the Arizona Diamondbacks system in 2017 and 2018 before getting injured.
“I didn't really feel like I was released because of my play, I feel like I was released because of an injury that takes a year (to recover) and they didn't have a spot for me when I came back,” Dugan said.
In 2020, MLB reduced its minor league system and eliminated about a quarter of its clubs, effectively eliminating the minor leagues altogether, something the league had planned to do since before the COVID-19 pandemic. This included the Grand Junction Rockies and the Pioneer Baseball League (PBL) losing their affiliation and becoming a partner league of MLB.
Suddenly, Dugan's path to affiliated baseball proved much more difficult. With this drastic change, MLB also reduced the number of draft rounds from 40 to 20. It is not out of the question that several of Dugan's Jackalopes teammates would be in the minor leagues without this change.
I think a lot of these guys can relate to how it's been so difficult since 2020 since half of the minor leagues were cut, Dugan said. Fewer spots when seemingly athletes are getting better and better doesn't make sense. But that's the reality. There are fewer places, so it’s more competitive.
Dugan has been playing in independent baseball since his release. He played in the Atlantic League for three seasons, one of the most prestigious independent leagues. He was happy to end his playing career after his 2023 season with the Lancaster Barnstormers in Pennsylvania.
It was about time, he thought. With a child and a wife, why not let this budding family flourish and turn to coaching?
Then, with a childhood friend, he had the idea to make a documentary about him trying his luck one last time. They pulled some strings and contacted the owner of the Jackalopes, Mike Tollin.
This led him to Grand Junction.
Why not give it a try, I have this great hitting ability, somebody could use me even if it seems counterproductive to get a new contract, Dugan said. I think that's where faith comes in. In yourself and that God is looking for you in mysterious ways and will take care of you if you do the right things.
The Jackalopes were 10-24 heading into Saturday night's game against the Rocky Mountain Vibes, just one game ahead of last-place Idaho Falls.
Dugan is an asset when healthy. He's hitting .327 in 55 at-bats with eight RBIs and 12 runs scored. But he's played in just 16 games.
I face different challenges being that I am older and have an older body, he admitted.
Dugan has learned how to treat his body well so it is in good shape and his journey has taught him the importance of mental health.
The chances are slim for Dugan. But the son of the Hollywood filmmaker echoes the character of Crash Davis, played by Kevin Costner in Bull Durham.
Dugan is tenacious. He's focused on helping the Jackalopes climb out of the bottom of the PBL and put together a strong second half of the season, but he hasn't given up on his dream of playing in affiliated baseball once again.
He received some words of encouragement from his old family friend Adam Sandler after his first cut.
He was always there for me, Dugan said. He had to hang around comedy clubs forever and for a long time to get a foot in the game. He encouraged me to persevere.
Dugan also learned this from his father. Dugan always wanted to make Dennis proud and cherished the times when the two of them would go to neighboring fields on their way to school to spend time on the field.
Dugan just strives to be a good person and a good baseball player. If everything else goes well, so be it.
“You never know when you’re going to get a blessing,” Dugan said. “But if you do your best where you are, sometimes God can take care of you. »
Sources 2/ https://www.gjsentinel.com/sports/jackalopes-hitter-kelly-dugan-is-looking-for-his-hollywood-ending/article_fefe6d42-3667-11ef-9bf6-779aa4422df9.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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