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From Harvard to Hollywood: actors who shone at university and in the cinema


Several famous actors have passed through the classrooms of Harvard University.  Some completed their studies, while others took advantage of the experience to deepen their knowledge in new areas.  (EFE/Reuters)
Several famous actors have passed through the classrooms of Harvard University. Some completed their studies, while others took advantage of the experience to deepen their knowledge in new areas. (EFE/Reuters)

Harvard, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, has produced leaders in academics and politics and has been the alma mater of several prominent players in the entertainment industry. From comedians to movie stars, these graduates have applied Harvard's rigorous academic training to their artistic careers, proving that talent and elite education can coexist in the competitive world of entertainment.

Matt Damon studied English literature at Harvard University (Reuters)
Matt Damon studied English literature at Harvard University (Reuters)

The actor Matt Damonknown for his exceptional career in Hollywood, received the Medal of Arts in 2013 during the opening of the celebration Arts first of the Harvard University. Damon, who dropped out of college in 1992 with just 12 courses left to complete a degree in literature, carries with him a life-changing academic legacy. His drama teacher, Anthony Kubiak, gave him an A and left him an inspiring message: don't give up. Wherever it goes, go somewhere. Stick with it, Damon said at the Arts First ceremony.

The historic campus of Harvard University, founded in 1636, has been the training ground for A-list actors such as BJ Novak, Natalie Portman, Matt Damon and Ashley Judd, who have successfully balanced academic excellence with success in Hollywood (Reuters)
The historic campus of Harvard University, founded in 1636, has been the training ground for A-list actors such as BJ Novak, Natalie Portman, Matt Damon and Ashley Judd, who have successfully balanced academic excellence with success in Hollywood (Reuters)

From a young age, Damon was interested in acting and made his film debut at 16 years old. in the film Mystic Pizza, with Julia Roberts. He later entered Harvard to study English literature, motivated by his dream of becoming an actor. For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be an actor, these were the words with which he began his application to enter university. Despite the genius and creative excellence that brought him to Harvard, Damon decided to move to Hollywood with his friend Ben Affleck to pursue his dream in the film industry.

During his years at Harvard, Damon resided at Lowell House and actively participated in the university theater scene. On his first day at college, he remembers being impressed by the academic and cultural atmosphere on campus. However, opportunities in Hollywood led him to leave Harvard in the spring of 1993, at which time he began auditioning for film roles and initially landed minor roles.

One of these early performances was in the film Geronimo: An American Legend. Even if the film did not leave a significant trace, The move to California allowed him to collaborate with Affleck and complete the screenplay that would become Good Will Hunting..

Damon fondly remembers his teacher Kubiak's words of encouragementwho read the Good Will Hunting manuscript as part of an academic assignment. That advice became a guide for Damon as he navigated the uncertain waters of Hollywood: Don't give up. That support was essential for Damon and Affleck to dedicate themselves to finishing the script with the intention of booking the lead roles, given that at the time, finding work in the film industry was not easy.

Damon's career development since childhood Cambridge Becoming a Hollywood star is marked by a combination of talent, perseverance and the support received during his academic training.

Natalie Portman has a degree in psychology from Harvard University (Reuters)
Natalie Portman has a degree in psychology from Harvard University (Reuters)

Natalie Portmanrecognized for her work in Hollywood, has also excelled in academics. Portmanwhose birth name is Natalie Herschlagentered the Harvard University at the end of the decade 1990. At that time she was already famous for films like Léon: the professional Yes Star WarsDespite her initial doubts about whether she was smart enough to handle Harvard's academic rigor, she managed to combine her acting life with the desire to earn a college degree.

In 2004, Natalie Portman graduated with a degree in Psychologist at Harvard. During his time at the university, Portman published two scientific articles: one entitled Simple method to demonstrate enzymatic production of hydrogen from sugar and the other, Activation of the frontal lobe during object permanence: infrared spectroscopy data. Every time she opened her mouth, she tried to show that she was not a stupid actress, she mentioned in 2015 during a Harvard graduation ceremony.

The professor of faculty of Law Harvard, Alan M. Dershowitzwhich had Portman in his seminar Neuropsychology and lawemphasize: She was an excellent student, during the graduation ceremony. Portman got a grade of A+ in an article on lie detection methods and later worked as a research assistant for a book on Dershowitz.

Stephen M. Kosslyn, a former Harvard psychology professor and dean of social sciences, also praised Portman's dedication. “When she was a student, it was very clear that she was a very determined person,” Kosslyn said, according to the page. Harvard Crimson. Portman worked as a research assistant in his laboratory, which highlights his duality between science and art.

According to Elle magazinePortman She is also known for her exceptional IQ of 140 points, which is remarkably high compared to the average of 90 to 109. Her career was not limited to Harvard; the actress also began a doctorate in Yale Universitywhich demonstrates their continued commitment to education.

During his university years, Portman He decided to give priority to his studies without neglecting his career in Hollywood. He used his birth name, Natalie Herschlagto keep a low profile and focus on his academic training. His teachers quickly noticed his exceptional abilities, many of them publicly expressing their admiration for his performance and dedication.

BJ Novak studied at Harvard University, but prefers not to talk much about that experience (Reuters)
BJ Novak studied at Harvard University, but prefers not to talk much about that experience (Reuters)

BJ Novak, Known for his role as Ryan Howard on the hit TV series The Office, he is a graduate of the prestigious Harvard University. Novak studied Literature and was part of the famous comedy group The Harvard Pamphlet before graduating in 2001.

Although his Harvard education is impressive, Novak has said that he doesn't like to talk openly about his education at the institution. Recently, in an interview with The Boston Globethe actor described being a Harvard graduate as the worst thing you could have on a comedy resume. According to Novak, comedy is a profession that represents the underprivileged, and his Harvard degree could cause people to perceive him differently and affect his credibility as a comedian.

The statement sparked a debate on social media about whether a Harvard degree is an advantage or a hindrance in a comedian's career. While some users argued that having a degree from such a prestigious university could open up opportunities in any field, others agreed with Novak that comedy should be rooted in more common experiences and less elitist.

Ashley Judd earned a master's degree from Harvard (Reuters)
Ashley Judd earned a master's degree from Harvard (Reuters)

Ashley Juddknown for her acting career and activism, took a break 2009 to register for Harvard University. There he was received from a Master in Public Administration Intended for established professionals who wish to serve in the public sphere. Judd She chose the program after learning about the university's work with exploited women.

Since his graduation, Judd He maintains close ties with the university and participates in various events. In 2019, she returned to campus to speak on a social justice panel alongside NPR correspondent, Carrie Johnson.




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