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Mobile Suit Gundam's Bandai will 'carefully consider' replacing its biggest actor

Mobile Suit Gundam's Bandai will 'carefully consider' replacing its biggest actor


Following a public scandal involving popular voice actor Toru Furuya, Bandai has announced that it is “carefully considering” recasting his role as Amuro Ray in Mobile Suit Gundam. The actor previously resigned from his roles as Sabo in One piece and Furuya Rei (aka Tooru Amuro) in Detective Conan.

After the 70-year-old voice actor made a public statement admitting to physically assaulting a fan 37 years his junior with whom he had an extramarital affair, Furuya resigned from two of his major roles in One piece And Detective Conanleading fans to wonder if he would do the same for his starring role in Gundam Mobile Suit. By Yahoo NewsBandai Namco (owner of Mobile Suit Gundam(Sunrise Nippon's production studio) responded to a question regarding a role change for Amuro Ray in light of the Furuya scandal.


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Longtime Gundam voice actor for Amuro Ray may be replaced after recent scandal

In its response, Bandai Namco said: “In our company, we attach great importance to the characters appearing in the work and their worldview. Regarding this question, we would like to think about it and answer it carefully, so we will refrain from commenting at this time. » Furuya has since played the role of Amuro Ray's voice actor. Mobile Suit Gundamin 1979, in the animated series that launched the entire Gundam series into the successful franchise it is today. Although recent Gundam the films did not feature Ray as the protagonist, the character makes recurring appearances in Gundam video game adaptations, as well as a few cameos in Gundam productions.

Regardless, Ray holds an important piece of the series' foundation, making replacing a voice actor a major decision for Gundam and Bandai Namco as Gundamowner of. While Bandai hasn't confirmed or denied a replacement, it's clear the company is considering making the change. After Toei (the animation studio behind One piece) and TMS Entertainment (the animation studio behind Detective Conan) were quick to set a precedent by replacing the voice actors behind his former roles, Atlus, the studio producing the upcoming game. Metaphor: ReFantaziowas quick to remove him from his role as well.


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The voice actor behind a character has a certain level of trust from fans to portray that character with precision and care. In his public statement, Furuya apologized to his fans, saying, “I cannot apologize enough for betraying the trust of all my fans who have supported me over the years, for disappointing them, for hurting them, and for tarnishing my character.”

Source: Yahoo News




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