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Kevin Spacey's Co-Star Says Actor Doesn't Become a Real Monster: I Support MeToo

Kevin Spacey's Co-Star Says Actor Doesn't Become a Real Monster: I Support MeToo


Jet Jandreau, who stars in Kevin Spacey's first American film since his career was derailed by sexual assault allegations, says she supports the #MeToo movement and doesn't believe in the #MeToo movement. Card castle The actor is in the category of real monsters.

Talk to The IndependentJandreau revealed that extensive discussions took place before Spacey was cast in the indie thriller. Peter five eight from director Michael Zaiko Hall.

“When Michael and the team pitched the idea of ​​Kevin, it was something we all had to discuss and see if we were comfortable with,” Jandreau said.

He is one of the greatest actors of our time and it was exciting to work with him. I had the opportunity to talk with him and his management before filming, and I was reassured.

Jandreau said that after speaking to Spacey, she felt like much of what was said about her was blown out of proportion.

Of course, I believe and support #MeToo. Michael does too, she said.

Kevin Spacey and Jet Jandreau at the premiere of Peter Five Eight
Kevin Spacey and Jet Jandreau at the premiere of Peter Five Eight (Invincible Movies)

We support #MeToo cases and the conviction of real monsters. I have been abused on sets before, for sure. But each situation must be examined on a case-by-case basis and decided by the courts.

She added: “I support #MeToo, but Kevin is not in the real monster category. I think this needs to be said more often in the press. The press likes to publish shocking articles, then they withdraw. I think people don't even know that he was found innocent and exonerated. Kevin is finding his way back now, and the majority of people really love his performances and want to see him again. »

Spacey, 64, was acquitted last year of a number of alleged sex offences by four men in the UK, which are said to have taken place between 2001 and 2013.

Each of Spacey's accusers testified at trial, describing him in turn as a vile, elusive, atrocious, despicable sexual predator. [and] disgusting.

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In response, the two-time Oscar winner called the allegations against him crazy and a stab in the back. The jury acquitted Spacey of all charges.

Peter Five Eight stars Jandreau as a real estate agent in a small mountain community who turns out to be a struggling alcoholic with a dark secret. Spacey plays the charismatic outsider Peter who appears out of the blue at the behest of his shadowy boss. Rebecca De Mornay (Risky business ) also stars.

Hall said The Independent that he was very aware that there would be resistance to casting Spacey in the film.

“Some people, which I would say is a pretty small minority in the industry, but some people don't think he should be working,” Hall said.

It's a kind of transgressive act to choose it, in a sense. I have to say though that I don't think there are enough subversive and transgressive acts in cinema. So for me, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Peter five eight is available for streaming on video on demand in the United States.




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