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Renauld White, groundbreaking black model and 'Guiding Light' actor, has died

Renauld White, groundbreaking black model and 'Guiding Light' actor, has died


Renault Whitepioneering model and soap opera actor known for his work in Guiding Lightdied at the age of 80.

Jeffrey Banks, White's longtime friend and fashion designer, announced the news on social media and confirmed Women's Everyday Clothing (World Health Day) White died Wednesday, June 26, while being treated at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. The cause of death has not been released.

White's funeral will be held July 12 at Whigham Funeral Home in his hometown of Newark, New Jersey, the facility said. shared on his website.

“It is with great sadness that I announce that my dear friend and work colleague, RENAULD WHITE, passed away yesterday,” Banks wrote on Instagram June 27. “RENAULD, who has been my model since the beginning of my career, has always been the perfect gentleman and an excellent ambassador for my brand. When he was first introduced to my mother, she immediately declared him to be my “big brother”. I wish it were so.”

“I will miss our conversations and our times together, but I will always remember the barriers you broke in the fashion industry and the love you shared as a trusted friend,” Banks continued. “Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing of your rest. »

Renauld White in 2008.

Neilson Barnard/Getty

As Banks noted in his tribute, White did indeed break barriers. In November 1979, he became the second black model to appear on the cover of GQ following Urs Althaus in November 1977, according to WWD.

He began his modeling career in the 1960s and has worked with Ralph Lauren, Bill Blass, Calvin Klein and Donna Karan over the years. According to World Health DayHe is also said to have worked for Yves Saint Laurent, Armani, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac and Versace. His flagship campaigns include Black Tie Cologne, Macy's, Vitalis and Arrow Shirts.

White said in a 2011 interview, per WWDthat he called on the WilhelminaModels agency to allow more people of color to have access to the modeling industry.

“I wanted to make a change. I really confronted the powers that be to ask why there weren’t more images of black men,” he said. “At first, I thought I was going to be thrown in jail and beaten up because of my approach. But then they realized they were wrong, that they were behind society and behind the times, and that they had to listen to me.”

As an actor, White took on the role of William Reynolds in Guiding Lightappearing on the daytime soap opera for two years in the 1980s, according to Deadline a role for which he took a break from modeling.

His other acting credits included 2017's Central Park and 2014 Gun Hillby BDIMwith Morning call noting in 1987 that he had also played a role in The Stepford Wives.

White, who also appeared in productions at La MaMa Experimental Theater Club in New York, would attend events with Aretha Franklin, Banks said. World Health Day. White wrote on Instagram in August 2018 after Franklin's death that he “became a treasured private confidant and quiet nighttime phone call to a woman the world loved.”

In October 2018, White was celebrated by his alma mater from Newark's West Side High School and its Hall of Fame for Professional Excellence. He also attended Rutgers University.

White, who was also a former member of the Loyalty Foundation's advisory board, remembered founder David Neeman as an extraordinary man, so kind, so patient, so caring and a tremendous mentor,” according to WWD.

“He's an absolute legend and a pioneer, and not just in fashion,” Neeman told the outlet.

Renauld White in the 1970s.

Murray Feierberg/Penske Media via Getty

In a follow-up Instagram post, Banks thanked those who paid tribute to his late friend and wrote that White “would be overwhelmed by lovethe support and words of impact that his life and career had on so many.

“I remember the famous phrase of The Wizard of Oz“A heart is not measured by the love you give, but by the love you receive from others.” And RENNY was truly loved,” Banks added.




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