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Inside Out 2 Beats Quiet Place Prequel as Horizon Bombs


Pixar Inside Out 2 remained at the top of the domestic box office in its third weekend with a solid $57.4 million, enough to scare off Paramount's prequel A quiet place: first day after a race that was closer than expected.

Moreover, Inside Out 2 celebrates passing the $1 billion mark in worldwide ticket sales in a record time for an animated film, 19 days. Directed by Kelsey Mann, the sequel introduces a whole new set of emotions that are brought to “headquarters” as the story's young heroine, Riley, becomes a teenager. Joy, sadness, anger, fear and disgust are unsure of how to feel as anxiety, envy, boredom and embarrassment all enter the picture.

Amy Poehler leads the voice cast that also includes Maya Hawke, Kensington Tallman, Liza Lapira, Tony Hale, Lewis Black, Phyllis Smith, Ayo Edebiri, Lilimar, Grace Lu, Sumayyah Nuriddin-Green, Adele Exarchopoulos, Diane Lane, Kyle MacLachlan, Paul Walter Hauser and Yvette Nicole Brown.

Vice-Versa 2 makes life difficult for Illumination and Universal's 4th of July star Despicable Me 4which is currently rolling out in select foreign markets ahead of its domestic launch in the July 4 corridor. But the film has plenty of time to get its act together. Despicable Me 4which is now playing in 20 markets, earned $13.9 million this weekend for an opening total of $25.3 million and is expected to set off fireworks when it opens in the United States on July 3.

Coming in at second place at the domestic box office this weekend, A quiet place: first day The film has reason to celebrate after posting the franchise's best weekend start with $53 million, well ahead of the $40 million expected for its launch. The prequel's performance is particularly impressive given that franchise creator John Krasinski didn't direct this time around, and Emily Blunt didn't star either.

Instead, Michael Sarnoski (Pig) was brought to the stand Day onebased on a story he and Krasinski came up with together. Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn star in the $70 million film, which has generally positive reviews and a B+ CinemaScore, a good rating for a horror film. The 18-34 year old audience drives the film, as well as an ethnically diverse audience. It has also invaded many Imax and premium large format screens of Inside Out 2.

“THE Peaceful place “The franchise is alive and well,” says Chris Aronson, Paramount's head of domestic distribution. “We made the film feel fresh and new, and it takes pride of place in the series. »

The film directed by Krasinski A silent place was a surprise box office hit in 2018 when it opened to $50 million despite having virtually no dialogue. A Quiet Place: Part IIreleased theatrically on Memorial Day in 2022 while the box office was still in recovery mode from the COVID-19 pandemic, posted a four-day holiday gross of $57 million, including $47 million dollars for the three-day weekend.

Day one continues Sony's June box office rebound Bad Boys: Ride or Die and cemented by Inside Out 2.

Third at the national box office behind Vice-Versa 2 And Day one this weekend there was Kevin Costner's expensive $100 million western, Horizon: An American Saga — Chapter 1The film was a huge hit with an estimated release of $11 million (overseas figures were not immediately available). The big question now is what this means for Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter Twowhich opens in mid-August.

Horizon is undoubtedly one of the biggest curiosity makers of the summer after Costner left behind a lucrative gig on Taylor Sheridan's hit series Yellow stone and invested tens of millions of his own money to make his decades-long passion project a reality with four period Western films.

The hope was that Horizon The film might have struck a chord with older white men in middle America. Although it managed to reach its target audience (57% of the audience was male, while over 75% of ticket buyers were Caucasian), it was not as successful as hoped. A B- grade on CinemaScore and mediocre reviews certainly didn't help its cause. The best cinema was in Salt Lake City (Costner shot the film in Utah).

Warners agreed to distribute and market the first two Horizon films for hire in the United States. Costner – who tirelessly promoted the film – invested $38 million of his own money, while two mystery investors also put in equity. The rest of the budget comes from selling foreign rights with the help of sales company K5 International, which previewed the film at the Cannes Film Festival. (Horizon (opens in many markets this weekend). Costner is also financing the film's marketing.

Bad Boys 4 I almost did as much as Horizon in its fourth weekend, it grossed $10.3 million to place at #4. The film's domestic total is $165.3 million. Overseas, it added $13.1 million from 66 markets for a worldwide total of $332 million in a notable return for Will Smith after his memorable Oscar slap in 2022. Bad Boys The payout ended at $462 million worldwide in a less competitive market.)

Indian film in Telugu language released at Prathyangira cinema Kalki 2898 AD rounded out the top five with $5.4 million from just 1,049 theaters.

At the specialized counter, Searchlight's Types of Kindnessdirected by Yorgos Lanthimos and starring Emma Stone and Jesse Plemons, increased its theatrical tally by five to 485 in its second outing, earning $1.5 million and breaking into the top 10.

Magnolia Thelmastarring June Squibb as a scammed 93-year-old grandmother, expanded to 1,220 locations, grossing $1.3 million for a US gross of $5.1 million .

Sony Pictures Classics Opened Starring Sean Penn and Dakota Johnson Dad The film opened in 638 theaters and grossed $440,000 despite good reviews. This R-rated, two-act drama about a New York City taxi ride is directed by Christy Hall.




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