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Hollywood horse trainer sets up shop in North Stonington

Hollywood horse trainer sets up shop in North Stonington


June 29, 2024 8:06 p.m. Last updated: June 29, 2024 9:50 p.m.

Mia Main, center, 6, of Voluntown, gives Rex Peterson, left, a high-five after performing a riding stunt taught to her by famed Hollywood horse trainer Rex Peterson, left, during a training clinic at Wychwood Farms in North Stonington, Saturday, June 29, 2024. Ryan Peterson, right of North Stonington, Rex's son, looks on. (Tim Martin/Today's Special)

Olivia Hatt, center, 16, of East Lyme, performs a handstand with guidance from famed Hollywood horse trainer Rex Peterson, left, during a training clinic at Wychwood Farms in North Stonington on Saturday 29 June 2024. Ryan Peterson, right, Rex's son, of North Stonington, attends. (Tim Martin/Special to The Day)

Famed Hollywood horse trainer Rex Peterson gets a little help from his son Ryan Peterson, right, of North Stonington, while demonstrating horsemanship technique, during a training clinic at Wychwood Farms in North Stonington, Saturday June 29, 2024. (Tim Martin/Today Special)

Cate Gugliemo of Charlestown, R.I., shares a laugh with famed Hollywood horse trainer Rex Peterson as he provides one-on-one training during a training clinic at Wychwood Farms in North Stonington on Saturday, June 29, 2024. (Tim Martin/Today's Special)

Famous Hollywood horse trainer Rex Peterson gives a training session at Wychwood Farms in North Stonington on Saturday, June 29, 2024. (Tim Martin/Special to The Day)

North Stonington Six-year-old Mia Main of Voluntown fell in love with horses at age 2 when her mother said she became obsessed and began riding on the back of the couch, practicing his acrobatics.

Main, whose parents bought him a mini when he was 3, helped inspire an event at Long Meadow Farm in North Stonington on Saturday that drew a visit from Rex Peterson, an accomplished horseman and Hollywood's best horse trainer for decades.

Main sat outside the arena Saturday, watching Peterson work with a group of riders and eagerly waiting for her turn to ride the horse.

“I always wanted to ride horses since I was two years old. I love horses,” Main says.

Peterson has worked with horses on some of the most famous equestrian films in history, such as Black Stallion, Hidalgo, Secretariat and Horse Whisperer, among dozens of others. Peterson has worked with groups in training sessions that focus on riding and, in some cases, horsemanship.

“Stretch him out and let him tell you how he feels,” Peterson told attendees at the start of the morning clinic.

Saturday’s event was hosted by the Meadow Lake 4H Club, whose leader, Fran Wood, is Mia Main’s grandmother. She said Meadow Lake Farm owners Jennifer and John Preston, along with Jennifer Preston’s sister, Janice Miner, graciously provided space on the farm for the event. The 96-acre farm has been in the family since 1894.

We had the space and I'm a big believer in 4H, Jennifer Preston said.

Other local connections helped draw Peterson to Connecticut. His son Ryan Peterson and his partner Christine Pitcairn own Wychwood Farm in North Stonington and are also trainers in Hollywood. The couple runs LTD Animals and has numerous film credits. One of the horses used in the Amazon Prime series Fallout was in attendance Saturday.

“We were lucky that Rex agreed to do this. This is a rare opportunity to welcome someone like him into our community,” Pitcairn said.

Ryan Peterson teamed up with his father, and the two spent several hours side by side with a half-dozen cyclists during a morning session. Among the cyclists were a trio of sisters from Rock Hill Farm in East Lyme: Olivia Hatt, 16, Victoria Hatt, 18, and Maddy Hatt, 22.

“We were very excited when we heard (Peterson) was going to this area,” Maddy Hatt said.

The older sisters encouraged the youngest in the family to show off some of her self-taught tricks. Rex Peterson helped Olivia Hatt with proper posture as she stood atop one of the horses, later showing her the proper way to do a shoulder stand and a reverse mudguard, a move that involves hanging off the side of the horse.

It's pretty cool, Olivia Hatt said.

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