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Student Blog: Summer Stock: OKLAHOMA!


Summer stock provides a great opportunity to branch out and try new venues, theatres and shows! For example, my sister is performing inHivein Ohio and her boyfriend is in Kansas for bothHello DollyAndShining star.I had the opportunity to perform inOklahoma!in North Dakota with Frost Fire Theatre. We are currently wrapping up Tech Week and will open on Saturday, June 29th! This whole process has taught me a lot about balance and the importance of absorbing as much knowledge as possible from others. North Dakota may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I have already had one of the most fulfilling summers.

Last spring, I had difficulty finding internships for the summer. I knew I wasn't ready to be far away from home, but I knew I wanted something I could learn a lot from. I didn't think doing a show was an option, since I'm not a musical theater major, but Frost Fire presented itself as a great opportunity. What I liked about it was that not everyone has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in theater. A few have studied acting, but the rest of the cast come from diverse backgrounds, which allows me to learn something different from each person.

We have been rehearsing for the past three weeks and will have 18 performances throughout the month of June. Rehearsals have been in the evenings, so I have the first half of the day to entertain myself. What I haven't mentioned before is that I live in the town where my parents grew up, so it's a very nostalgic place for me. They grew up doing summer theater in high school, so I volunteered to help out with the same program they did (it's called SPA). I ​​spend the first half of my day watching the choreography for their production ofFatand then I'll rush off to my own rehearsals. I loved being on both sides of the production process, I think it's an essential element for all aspiring actors.

Oklahoma!isn't that crazy when it comes to physique. It's mostly a standing and singing performance with some movement, but then there's a literal 15 minute ballet in the middle and it tested my stamina. My role in ballet is primarily that of a saloon girl and I love our choreographer, Veronica Folkedahl, but she did 59 kicks in five minutes while in heels, following a quick change. It's safe to say that I wake up incredibly sore every day. My favorite remedies are both Advil and Tylenol, as well as an Icy Hot balm for sore joints and muscles. I also make sure to move every morning, whether that's walking, cycling, or hitting the gym (which is usually the shortest upper body workout). I've also discovered that all my dance teachers are right: stretching every day helps a lot. This helps relieve some of the pain but also makes sure I'm warm enough each day to endure the whole show.

Even though we haven't even opened the show, I've already learned a lot from this experience. I love everyone who works on the show and I loved the whole process of putting it all together. Some nights were very late and seemed very long, but that's what makes me appreciate all the hard work. It will be interesting to see what happens throughout these next 18 performances. 😉


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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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