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Bollywood Actors of the Week: Anushka Sharma's Special Message to Virat Kohli After India's T20 World Cup Win; Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal's wedding photos

Bollywood Actors of the Week: Anushka Sharma's Special Message to Virat Kohli After India's T20 World Cup Win;  Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal's wedding photos


As it is the last Sunday of June 2024, it is time to take stock of all the important news that has been buzzing throughout the week.

From Anushka Sharma penning a special note for Virat Kohli after India's World T20 Championship win to Sonakshi Sinha-Zaheer Iqbal dropping wedding photos, several headliners graced the B-town.

Here Are The Top 7 Actors In Bollywood News This Week

1. Anushka Sharma's note to Virat Kohli after India's T20 World Cup win

After 2007, India won the T20 World Cup trophy again in 2024. After this historic victory, several B-town celebrities congratulated the Indian team, and among them, Virat Kohli's wife and actress Anushka Sharma. Revealing priceless moments from the cricket field, the actress wrote, “Our daughters' biggest worry was whether all the players had someone to hug them after seeing them crying on TV. » Yes, my darling, they have been hugged by 1.5 billion people. What a phenomenal victory and what a legendary feat!! CHAMPIONS – CONGRATULATIONS!!

She also wrote in a separate post: “AND…I love this man @virat.kohli. I'm so grateful to call you into my house – now go get a glass of sparkling water for me to celebrate!

2. Photos from Sonakshi Sinha-Zaheer Iqbal's wedding

After getting married on June 23, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal shared a glimpse of their wedding. The newlyweds shared photos from their recorded wedding up to the reception on their social media accounts.

3.Alia Bhatt reveals new photos with Ranbir Kapoor

Alia Bhatt shared photos from Anany Ambani and Radhika Merchant's pre-wedding cruise featuring herself and her husband and actor Ranbir Kapoor. The post gave a glimpse into the celebration's masquerade party.

4.Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant Wedding Invitation Card

The invitation card for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding in July has gone viral on social media. The video shows a red box with a door opening to reveal the invitation inside. The wedding will take place on July 12 in Mumbai.

5. Baby John release date revealed

The makers of Baby John took to their social media platforms and shared a new poster featuring lead actor Varun Dhawan to announce the release date of the film. The film will release on December 25, 2024.

6.Is Kota Factory season 4 planned?

In an interview with OTTPlay, director Pratish Mehta discussed the possibility of a season 4 of Kota Factory. He said that they are walking on the same trajectory, and if the series is sanctioned for a fourth season, the team will indeed follow the same path and achieve it. as relevant as possible.

7.Ibrahim Ali Khan reacts to his girlfriend Palak Tiwari's latest photos

Palak Tiwari posted several pictures of herself enjoying the monsoon season. On her post, Ibrahim Ali Khan left a like and commented a fire heart sticker that read, “Looking Good”. Reacting to his comment, Palak left an emotional face emoji.

Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for all the latest Bollywood news!

READ ALSO : Kota Factory: Have you ever wondered why Jitendra Kumar's series is presented in black and white? Mayur More aka Vaibhav Panday reveals




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